
Showing total 1,763 results
1,763 results

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1. The Canada-United States productivity puzzle: regional evidence of the pulp and paper industry, 1971-2005.

2. Co-application of wood biochar and paper mill biosolids affects yield and short-term nitrogen and phosphorus availability in temperate loamy soils.

3. Detection of red heartwood in paper birch () using external stem characteristics.

4. Measuring the competitiveness of Canadian pulp and paper in the US market reveals needs for more research.

5. Composition of the bacterial biota in slime developed in two machines at a Canadian paper mill.

6. Output scale, technical change, and productivity in the Canadian pulp and paper industry.

7. Industrial innovation and infrastructure as drivers of change in the Canadian boreal zone1.

9. Fluorescent pseudomonad population sizes baited from soils under pure birch, pure Douglas-fir, and mixed forest stands and their antagonism toward Armillaria ostoyae in vitro.

10. Habitat requirements of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, in boreal mixedwood forests of northwestern Canada.

11. Best Paper Award 2017.

12. LRFD calibration for soil failure limit state using the Stiffness Method.

13. Unified life-cycle cost–benefit analysis framework and critical review for sustainable retrofit of Canada's existing buildings using mass timber.

14. Decomposition of broadleaf and needle litter in forests of British Columbia: influences of litter type, forest type, and litter mixtures .

15. A review of large-scale renewable energy partnerships with Indigenous communities and organizations in Canada.


17. PbIso: an R package and web app for calculating and plotting Pb isotope data.

18. A comparison of several methods for estimating light under a paper birch mixedwood stand

19. Canada's maritime frontier: the science legacy of Canada's extended continental shelf mapping for UNCLOS.

24. Slope risk management in light of uncertainty and environmental variability—2021 Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium.

25. Field monitoring of the ground vibrations adjacent to an onshore wind turbine foundation.

26. Undrained capacity of circular shallow foundations on two-layer clays under combined VHMT loading.

27. Reconciliation in the woods? Three pathways towards forest justice.

28. Calibration of resistance factors for geotechnical seismic design.

29. The post-fire shift of temperate white pine-birch forest to boreal balsam fir forest in eastern Canada: climate-fire implications.

30. Comparison between MERRA-2 and CWEEDS for use in pavement mechanistic-empirical design in Canada.

31. Review of nonlinear modelling parameters and acceptance criteria in ASCE 41 for seismic evaluation and upgrading of steel structures in Canada.

32. Unveiling the recovery dynamics of walleye after the invisible collapse.

33. Enhancing unsupervised video-based vehicle tracking and modeling for traffic data collection.

34. Development of quick seismic evaluation procedure for existing buildings in Canada.

35. A career of bat research: informing and motivating bat conservation.

36. Calibration of resistance factors for design of shallow foundations against sliding.

37. Icing and aufeis in cold regions II: consequences and mitigation.

38. Updating the Foodbot Factory serious game with new interactive engaging features and enhanced educational content.

39. The law of one price in the United States and Canadian newsprint markets.

40. Late Wisconsinan buildup and wastage of the Innuitian Ice Sheet across southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut.

41. An impact analysis of climate change on the forestry industry in Quebec.

42. Seismic performance assessment of conventional construction concrete moment-resisting frame buildings in Canada using the FEMA P695 methodology.

43. Using synthetic climate datasets for geotechnical and geoenvironmental design problems.

44. Semi-quantitative seismic risk screening tool for existing buildings in Canada.

45. Investigation of climate change impacts on early-age cracking of jointed plain concrete pavements in Canada.

46. Roughness prediction models using pavement surface distresses in different Canadian climatic regions.

47. A science and management partnership to restore coregonine diversity to the Laurentian Great Lakes.

48. Improvement of tailings impoundment seismic and post-seismic stability using densification and waste rock inclusions.

49. Developing a machine learning-based approach for predicting road surface friction using dash camera images—a City of Edmonton, Canada, case study.

50. Crustal eduction and slab-failure magmatism in an Orosirian (2.05–1.80 Ga) postcollisional cratonic foredeep: geochronology of Seton volcanics and Compton laccoliths, Tu Cho (Great Slave Lake), NWT, Canada.