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1. A comparison of methods for excluding light from stems to evaluate stem photosynthesis.

2. Nowcasting Earthquakes With Stochastic Simulations: Information Entropy of Earthquake Catalogs.

3. It's in the bag? The effect of plastic carryout bag bans on where and what people purchase to eat.

4. The good, the bad, and the future: Systematic review identifies best use of biomass to meet air quality and climate policies in California.

5. Drought influences habitat associations and abundances of birds in California's Central Valley.

6. If you build it, they will come: Coastal amenities facilitate human engagement in marine protected areas.

7. Optimizing Earthquake Nowcasting With Machine Learning: The Role of Strain Hardening in the Earthquake Cycle.

8. Nowcasting Earthquakes: Imaging the Earthquake Cycle in California With Machine Learning.

9. The Role of Anthropogenic Forcing in Western United States Hydroclimate Extremes.

10. Data‐driven spatio‐temporal analysis of wildfire risk to power systems operation.

11. Making salient ethics arguments about vaccine mandates: A California case study.

12. Annual biomass spatial data for southern California (2001–2021): Above‐ and belowground, standing dead, and litter.

13. Uncertainty in consensus predictions of plant species' vulnerability to climate change.

14. Quantifying Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of Solar‐Induced Fluorescence With a Novel Hyperspectral Imager.

15. Quantifying Earth's Topography: Steeper and Larger Than Projected in Digital Terrain Models.

16. Implications of Variability and Trends in Coastal Extreme Water Levels.

17. Remnant salmon life history diversity rediscovered in a highly compressed habitat.

18. Prediction model for short‐term traffic flow based on a K‐means‐gated recurrent unit combination.

19. Climatically robust multiscale species distribution models to support pronghorn recovery in California.

20. Size at maturity, reproductive cycle, and fecundity of the southern California brown box crab Lopholithodes foraminatus and implications for developing a new targeted fishery.

21. Genomics and 20 years of sampling reveal phenotypic differences between subpopulations of outmigrating Central Valley Chinook salmon.

22. Equine neuroaxonal dystrophy/degenerative myeloencephalopathy in Gypsy Vanner horses.

23. The Kimberlina synthetic multiphysics dataset for CO2 monitoring investigations.

24. Prescribed fire placement matters more than increasing frequency and extent in a simulated Pacific Northwest landscape.

25. Evaluating the Role of Titanomagnetite in Bubble Nucleation: Novel Applications of Low Temperature Magnetic Analysis and Textural Characterization of Rhyolite Pumice and Obsidian From Glass Mountain, California.

26. Evaluating the Role of Titanomagnetite in Bubble Nucleation: Rock Magnetic Detection and Characterization of Nanolites and Ultra‐Nanolites in Rhyolite Pumice and Obsidian From Glass Mountain, California.

27. Plant community data collected by Robert H. Whittaker in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon and California, USA.

28. Large‐scale, multidecade monitoring data from kelp forest ecosystems in California and Oregon (USA).

29. Exploring the impacts of traffic flow states on freeway normal crashes, primary crashes, and secondary crashes.

30. A Comprehensive Assessment of Submarine Landslides and Mass Wasting Processes Offshore Southern California.

31. Health Impacts of Future Prescribed Fire Smoke: Considerations From an Exposure Scenario in California.

32. Evaluating immaturity risk in young stands of the serotinous knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata).

33. Satellite Remote Sensing: A Tool to Support Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Recreational Health Advisories in a California Reservoir.

34. Researcher effects on the biological structure and edaphic conditions of field sites and implications for management.

35. What Are the Main Causes of Positive Subtropical Low Cloud Feedbacks in Climate Models?

36. Mafic Alkaline Magmatism and Rare Earth Element Mineralization in the Mojave Desert, California: The Bobcat Hills Connection to Mountain Pass.

37. Evaluation of Different Bias Correction Methods for Dynamical Downscaled Future Projections of the California Current Upwelling System.

38. Atmospheric River Sequences as Indicators of Hydrologic Hazard in Historical Reanalysis and GFDL SPEAR Future Climate Projections.

39. Origins of Uncertainty in the Response of the Summer North Pacific Subtropical High to CO2 Forcing.

40. Understanding the Contributions of Paleo‐Informed Natural Variability and Climate Changes to Hydroclimate Extremes in the San Joaquin Valley of California.

41. How environmental drivers of spatial synchrony interact.

42. Recreating the California New Year's Flood Event of 1997 in a Regionally Refined Earth System Model.

43. Exome sequencing findings in children with annular pancreas.

44. Interacting ecological filters influence success and functional composition in restored plant communities over time.

45. Precipitation timing and soil substrate drive phenology and fitness of Arabidopsis thaliana in a Mediterranean environment.

46. Latitudinal and elevational variation in the reproductive biology of house wrens, Troglodytes aedon.

47. Hillslope Morphology Drives Variability of Detrital 10Be Erosion Rates in Steep Landscapes.

48. Implementing youth participatory action research at a continuation high school.

49. Easy to use and validated predictive models to identify beneficiaries experiencing homelessness in Medicaid administrative data.

50. Identifying drivers of population dynamics for a stream breeding amphibian using time series of egg mass counts.