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7,790 results

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1. Commented translation of Erwin Schrödinger’s paper ‘On the dynamics of elastically coupled point systems’ (Zur Dynamik elastisch gekoppelter Punktsysteme)

2. Correction and notes to the paper 'A classification of Artin–Schreier defect extensions and characterizations of defectless fields'

3. Position paper: the science of deep specification

4. Comments on the Paper 'Lie Symmetry Analysis, Explicit Solutions, and Conservation Laws of a Spatially Two-Dimensional Burgers–Huxley Equation'

5. A note on paper 'Anomalous relaxation model based on the fractional derivative with a Prabhakarlike kernel' [Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (2019) 70:42]

6. On a paper of Berestycki-Hamel-Rossi and its relations to the weak maximum principle at infinity, with applications

7. 50-Year Anniversary of Papers by Cormack, Jolly and Seber

8. Four Papers on Contemporary Software Design Strategies for Statistical Methodologists

9. Dynamical Study of an Eco-Epidemiological Delay Model for Plankton System with Toxicity

10. Implementable tensor methods in unconstrained convex optimization

11. Improving the performance of deep learning models using statistical features: The case study of COVID‐19 forecasting

12. Multivariate Tail Moments for Log-Elliptical Dependence Structures as Measures of Risks

13. Data-Driven Optimal Control for Pulp Washing Process Based on Neural Network

14. Bounds on entanglement dimensions and quantum graph parameters via noncommutative polynomial optimization

15. A general double-proximal gradient algorithm for d.c. programming

16. Improved bounds for solutions of ϕ-Laplacians

17. Metaheuristic to Optimize Computational Convergence in Convection-Diffusion and Driven-Cavity Problems

18. Derived Non-archimedean analytic Hilbert space

19. The Four-Parameter PSS Method for Solving the Sylvester Equation

20. A Computational Study of Exact Subgraph Based SDP Bounds for Max-Cut, Stable Set and Coloring

21. Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping

22. The r-Hunter-Saxton equation, smooth and singular solutions and their approximation

23. A note on gonality of curves on general hypersurfaces

24. On Beilinson’s equivalence for p-adic cohomology

25. Theoretical and empirical analysis of trading activity

26. Removal of carbamates in drinking water by nanofiltration in tangential flow

27. Better together: synergy in nanocellulose blends

28. Halfspace type Theorems for Self-Shrinkers

29. Iterates of Generic Polynomials and Generic Rational Functions

30. The performance of curauá fiber as sorbent of the diesel and biodiesel oils

31. Some significant remarks on multivalued Perov type contractions on cone metric spaces with a directed graph

32. Analyzing the Weyl Construction for Dynamical Cartan Subalgebras

33. The inverse Frobenius-Perron problem: A survey of solutions to the original problem formulation

34. A Numerical Approach for Evaluating the Time-Dependent Distribution of a Quasi Birth-Death Process

35. On some new quantum midpoint-type inequalities for twice quantum differentiable convex functions

36. Possibilistic Approach for Travel Time Reliability Evaluation

37. Corporate Governance Quality, Stakeholders’ Pressure, and Sustainable Development: An Integrated Approach

38. Generalization of uniqueness and value sharing of meromorphic functions concerning differential polynomials

39. (p,Q) systems with critical singular exponential nonlinearities in the Heisenberg group

40. Risk and complexity in scenario optimization

41. Some asymptotic properties of kernel regression estimators of the mode for stationary and ergodic continuous time processes

42. Fixed point theorem for new type of auxiliary functions

43. Fixed point results for multivalued mappings of Ćirić type via F-contractions on quasi metric spaces

44. Explicit order 3/2 Runge-Kutta method for numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations by using Itô-Taylor expansion

45. Improved Estimators for Estimating Average Yield Using Auxiliary Variable

46. Linear representation of a graph

47. MQC-MB: Multiphoton Quantum Communication Using Multiple-Beam Concept in Free Space Optical Channel

48. The moduli space of matroids

49. A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection

50. McKay Quivers and Lusztig Algebras of Some Finite Groups