
Showing total 17 results
17 results

Search Results

1. Preliminary feasibility and effectiveness of a novel community language intervention for preschool children in the United Kingdom.

2. Intensive and comprehensive aphasia therapy—a survey of the definitions, practices and views of speech and language therapists in the United Kingdom.

3. Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study.

4. Infant egg consumption during introduction to solid food remains low in the United Kingdom but increases with infant age and a baby‐led weaning approach.

5. Multi‐family therapy for separated parents in conflict and their children: intervention development and pilot evaluation.

6. A survey of cognitive–communication difficulties following TBI: are families receiving the training and support they need?

7. Accessing local support online: Mothers' experiences of local Breastfeeding Support Facebook groups.

8. The Child Protection in Sport Unit – Supporting National Governing Bodies in Hearing the Voices of Children: An Evaluation of Current Practice.

9. Exploration of a Novel Preventative Policing Approach in the United Kingdom to Adverse Childhood Experiences.

10. Estimation of energy expenditure using prediction equations in overweight and obese adults: a systematic review.

11. The Family Context of Assent: Comparison of Child and Parent Perspectives on Familial Decision‐Making.

12. No relationship between prenatal androgen exposure and autistic traits: convergent evidence from studies of children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and of amniotic testosterone concentrations in typically developing children.

13. Adolescent smoking and tertiary education: opposing pathways linking socio-economic background to alcohol consumption.

14. Trials and Tribulations - an RCT comparing manualized family therapy with Treatment as Usual and reflections on key issues that arose in the implementation.

15. Development of the Universal Form of Treatment Options ( UFTO) as an alternative to Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ( DNACPR) orders: a cross-disciplinary approach.

16. Point prevalence of complex wounds in a defined United Kingdom population.

17. Children's conceptions of physical events: Explicit and tacit understanding of horizontal motion.