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1. Chemical Compositions and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from the Leaves and Rhizomes of Amomum unifolium Gagnep. from Vietnam.

2. Application of essential oils as slow-release antimicrobial agents in food preservation: Preparation strategies, release mechanisms and application cases.

3. Mapping the landscape of clove oil as essential oil for health and wellness: A bibliometric review of advances, challenges, and future directions.

4. Chemical constituents of essential oils from the leaves, stems and roots of Zingiber pellitum Gagnep. (Zingiberaceae) from Vietnam, and their diversity.

5. Chemical compositions, antimicrobial activity and mosquito larvicidal actions of essential oils from the leaves and fruits of two Rutaceae family of plants from Vietnam.

6. Recent advances in essential oil complex coacervation by efficient physical field technology: A review of enhancing efficient and quality attributes.

7. Chemical Compositions of Essential Oils and Antimicrobial Activities of Asteraceae: The Leaves of Blumea lacera (Burm. f.) DC., Tridax procumbens (L.) L., and Ageratum houstonianum Mill., from Vietnam.

8. Progress in biological activities and biosynthesis of edible fungi terpenoids.

9. Research progress in biosynthesis and regulation of plant terpenoids.

10. Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Constituents of Essential Oil from the Leaves of Alpinia globosa and Alpinia tonkinensis.

11. The antioxidant compounds isolated from the fruits of chinese wild raspberry Rubus Chingii Hu.

12. Analysis of Selected Hop Aroma Compounds in Commercial Lager and Craft Beers Using HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS.

13. Evaluation of Candida easanensis JK8 β-glucosidase with potentially hydrolyse non-volatile glycosides of wine aroma precursors.

14. Preparative separation of six terpenoids from Wedelia prostrata Hemsl. by two-step high-speed counter-current chromatography.

15. The genus Scrophularia: a source of iridoids and terpenoids with a diverse biological activity.

16. Chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-proliferative activities of the leaf essential oil of Melaleuca polandii grown in the coastal plains of eastern India.

17. Solidago virgaurea L.: Chemical composition, antibacterial, and antileishmanial activity of essential oil from aerial part.

18. Impact of circadian rhythm and climatic variables on the chemical composition of essential oils: literature-based bibliometric analysis.

19. Preventing bifenthrin-induced testicular toxicity in rats with Citrus sinensis ('Maltese Half-blood') essential oil: a multidisciplinary approach.

20. The monoterpenes as a characteristic marker for pine species distinction: a chemotaxonomic study from the Czech Republic.

21. Lethal and sublethal effects of Citrus aurantium and Citrus sinensis essential oils and their major component limonene on Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

22. Chemical compositions of the essential oils of endemic wild Origanum majorana var. tenuifolium collected from three different locations during flowering and post-flowering phases in North Cyprus, Multivariate Statistical Analyses.

23. Antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of Thymus leptobotrys and Lavandula mairei essential oils against extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae.

24. Molecular fingerprint and anti-carcinogenic properties of Turkish immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) essential oil.

25. Essential oils of Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus: chemical variability and evaluation of biological activities.

26. Unveiling the potential of Bakuchiol-A comprehensive review on pharmacological activities and therapeutic formulations.

27. Survey of natural products reported by Asian research groups in 2020.

28. Sulphur-containing compounds in the essential oil of Ferula alliacea roots and their mass spectral fragmentation patterns.

29. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) fructus essential oil hydrodistillation fractions.

30. Salvia officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, and Mentha pulegium essential oils: insecticidal activities and feeding deterrence against Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae).

31. Spatial variation in constituents of essential oils from fruit pericarp of Zanthoxylum armatum DC of Nepali origin and their antibacterial activity.

32. Volatile metabolites, antioxidant and biological activities of Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. essential oil, from the tropical dry forest, Cesar, Colombian Caribbean Region.

33. Genomic and Chemical Diversity in Cannabis.

34. Unusual microbial lactonization and hydroxylation of asiatic acid by Umbelopsis isabellina.

35. Survey of natural products reported by Asian research groups in 2019.

36. Natural products as antidepressants documented in Chinese patents from 1992 to 2013.

37. Survey of natural products reported by Asian research groups in 2018.

38. Chemical composition, antibacterial, and antioxidant activities of turmeric, javanese ginger, and pale turmeric essential oils that growing in Indonesia.

39. The influence of plant essential oil/palygorskite composite on growth performance, blood parameters and intestinal morphology of broiler chickens.

40. Effect of dietary oregano essential oil and milk replacer on physiological status and immunological responses of pre- and post-weaned Ghoongroo piglets.

41. A chemotaxonomic analysis of terpenes variation in Metasequoia glyptostroboides and Sequoiadendron giganteum resins.

42. Quantitative structure-property relationship modelling for predicting retention indices of essential oils based on an improved horse herd optimization algorithm.

43. Terpenoids as anti-inflammatory substances inhibiting COX-2 isolated from the fibrous roots of Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms.

44. Essential-oil capsule preparation and its application in food preservation: A review.

45. Combination of Green Extraction Techniques and Essential Oils to Develop Active Packaging for Improving the Quality and Shelf Life for Chicken Meat.

46. Insights into the chemical composition of Ocimum forskaolii and O. americanum essential oils and their phytotoxicity.

47. Biological control of Citrus brown spot pathogen, "Alternaria alternata" by different essential oils.

48. Elettaria cardamomum leaves, an underutilized resource: chemical profile of its essential oil and insecticidal activity.

49. Yield, composition and biological activities of Eugenia uniflora L. essential oil according to seasonality.

50. The chemical composition of essential oil from Seseli bocconei (Apiaceae) aerial parts growing in Sicily (Italy).