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1. Management of Impacted Fetal Head at Caesarean Birth: Scientific Impact Paper No. 73 (June 2023).

2. Diagnosis and management of food allergy‐associated gastroesophageal reflux disease in young children—EAACI position paper.

3. WAIMH position paper: Infants' rights in wartime.

4. EAACI position paper on diet diversity in pregnancy, infancy and childhood: Novel concepts and implications for studies in allergy and asthma.

5. Diagnosis and management of Non‐IgE gastrointestinal allergies in breastfed infants—An EAACI Position Paper.

6. In Memory of Anthony Stevens: A Career Retrospective with Emphasis on His Formative Role in the Archetype Debate.

7. Identifying and understanding barriers to optimal complementary feeding in Kenya.

8. Walking‐with/worlding‐with in a global pandemic: A story of mothering in motion.

9. Behaviour change communication to improve complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia: Couples' beliefs concerning paternal involvement in childcare.

10. Looking back to light the path forward: Ghosts in the Nursery revisited.

11. Tinea capitis in newborns: Report of a case and review of the literature with a focus on treatment modalities.

12. Retinodural haemorrhage of infancy, abusive head trauma, shaken baby syndrome: The continuing quest for evidence.

13. Evidence‐based complementary feeding recipe book for Kenyan caregivers: A novel approach.

14. Mortality and neurodevelopmental outcome after invasive group B streptococcal infection in infants.

15. Commentary on the special issue: Leveraging measurement to refine developmental perspectives on psychopathology.

16. Performance of tunnelled, non‐cuffed central venous catheters in infants: A scoping review.

17. Reflective supervision and consultation and its impact within early childhood‐serving programs: A systematic review.

18. Influence of isolated low‐grade intracranial haemorrhages on the neurodevelopmental outcome of infants born very low birthweight.

19. Infant feeding and allergy prevention: a review of current knowledge and recommendations. A EuroPrevall state of the art paper.

20. Selected Papers: MEG, EEG.

21. PAPER Origins of a stereotype: categorization of facial attractiveness by 6-month-old infants.

22. Commentary on Sander's paper, “Where are we going in the field of infant mental health?”.

23. Current approaches and future directions for addressing ethics in infant and early childhood mental health.

24. Observing and interpreting clinical process: Methods and findings from 'Layered analysis' of parent–infant psychotherapy.

25. The ethics of infant and early childhood mental health practice.

26. Morphine exposure and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants born extremely preterm.

27. Infant egg consumption during introduction to solid food remains low in the United Kingdom but increases with infant age and a baby‐led weaning approach.

28. Promoting reflective practice in an infant and early childhood training program.

29. Jacquet erosive dermatitis associated with commercial barrier cream.

30. In defence of Feser's Plotinian argument for God's existence.

31. Young children's agency with digital technologies.

32. How do the skin barrier and microbiome adapt to the extra‐uterine environment after birth? Implications for the clinical practice.

33. Implicit States of Connectivity in the Clinical Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis and Andean Shamanism.

34. Risk patterns associated with transient hearing impairment and permanent hearing loss in infants born very preterm: A retrospective study.

35. Analysis of risk factors for blood transfusion in preterm infants based on statistical analyses.

36. Case study of a special burial resulting from obstetric death at the Sanbulijia site, Shandong Province, China.

37. Updating the evidence: A systematic review of a decade of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) research.

38. Utilising recorded music to reduce stress and enhance infant neurodevelopment in neonatal intensive care units.

39. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of The Society for Psychophysiological Research.

40. Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination and long‐term cognitive outcome in children born very preterm.

41. Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination for infants born preterm: predicting outcomes other than cerebral palsy.

42. Mentalizing in Clinical Practice: Working with Children Whose Mother is Suffering from Psychotic Symptoms.

43. Predictive validity of the Hand Assessment for Infants in infants at risk of unilateral cerebral palsy.

44. Clinical tools used in young infants born very preterm to predict motor and cognitive delay (not cerebral palsy): a systematic review.

45. 'Baby brain' in pregnancy: A review of social psychological explanations and future research directions.

46. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of neonatal non‐epileptic paroxysmal events: a prospective study.

47. Enacting Gustatory Pleasure on Behalf of Another: The Multimodal Coordination of Infant Tasting Practices.

48. Infants' Goal Prediction for Simple Action Events: The Role of Experience and Agency Cues.

49. Does the addition of clonidine to opioid therapy improve outcomes in infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome?

50. Novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in children younger than one year: A systematic review of symptoms, management and outcomes.