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151. Mapping the UK information workforce in the library, archives, records, information management, knowledge management and related professions.

152. Quality over time: A longitudinal quantitative analysis of metadata change in RDA-based MARC bibliographic records representing video resources.

153. 'Push a badly built cart with bumpy wheels along a marshy meadow' or: A short tale on the importance of information science.

154. Research data services in european and north american libraries: Current offerings and plans for the future.

155. Scholarly communication and practices in the world of metrics: An exploratory study.

156. Sentiment analysis and topic extraction of the twitter network of #prayforparis.

157. The role of information in the settlement experiences of refugee students.

158. Understanding scientific data sharing outside of the academy.

159. What makes online news interesting? Personal and situational interest and the effect on behavioral intentions.

160. What social media data should i use in my research?: A comparative analysis of twitter, youtube, reddit, and the new york times comments.

161. Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is "Open," to Whom, When, and Why?

162. Body‐as‐information: Learning to listen to the body in the context of chronic illness.

163. How and why do users change their assessment of search results over time?

164. What Flavors are Different Types of Scholarly Articles? An Investigation of PLOS publications.

165. Information Sharing As Story Construction in Group Decision Making.

166. Pre-Discussion's Note-Taking in Hidden Profile Tasks.

167. Analyzing MOOC Discussion Forum Messages to Identify Cognitive Learning Information Exchanges.

168. Signal Architectures of US Public Libraries: Resolving Legitimacy between Public and Private Spheres.

169. ASIS&T Addressing Missed Information Opportunities and Victims' Information Agency in the Fight Against Sexual Human Trafficking.

170. Standing Out in the Academic LIS Job Market: An Interactive Panel for Doctoral Students.

171. Building a Parsimonious Model for Identifying Best Answers Using Interaction History in Community Q&A.

172. Password Creation Strategies Across High- and Low- Literacy Web Users.

173. After Access: An Inquiry Into ICT Use Factors for Indian Women.

174. Evaluating Popularity Data for Relevance Ranking in Library Information Systems.

175. DisasterBox: Designing Social Media for Disaster Relief.

176. Design and Implementation of System for Exploring Subject Headings.

177. Health Practices of Immigrant Women: Indigenous Knowledge in an Urban Environment.

178. Observing Serendipity in Digital Information Environments.

179. "Nothing as practical as a good theory" Does Lewin's Maxim still have salience in the applied social sciences?

180. Data informed learning: A next phase data literacy framework for higher education.

181. Information Seeking and Sharing in Virtual Communities: A Case Study of Chinese IT Professionals.

182. Information Seeking and Beyond: Impacts of Studying Different Forms of Information Behavior.

183. A Scientometric Comparative Study of Single-walled and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Research.

184. #Criming and #Alive: Network and Content Analysis of Two Sides of a Story on Twitter.

185. Health Literacy and Internet- and Mobile App-based Health Services: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

186. Media Visualization of Book Cover Images: Exploring Differences among Bestsellers in Different Countries.

187. Social Search Behavior in a Social Q&A Service: Goals, Strategies, and Outcomes.

188. Impacts of the HackHealth After-School Program: Motivating Youth through Personal Relevance.

189. How does Knowledge Management affect Service Innovation in Academic Libraries?: A survey study.

190. Educators of the Information Society: Information Literacy Instruction in Public and Academic Libraries of Canada.

191. Health Information Literacy and Stage of Change in Relation to Physical Activity Information Seeking and Avoidance: A Population-Based Study among Young Men.

192. Feature Selection on Heterogeneous Graph.

193. Interdisciplinarity and information literacy: Librarians' competencies in emerging settings of higher education.

194. Emerging Trends in the Use and Adoption of E-participation Around the World.

195. "A Family Like Ours": Demographic Variations in Information Seeking Behavior and Community Participation Among Parents of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

196. Bracing for Impact: The Role of Information Science in Supporting Societal Research Impact.

197. How Can Information Science Contribute to Alzheimer's Disease Research?

198. Authorship, Patents, Citations, Acknowledgments, Tweets, Reader Counts and the Multifaceted Reward System of Science.

199. Knowledge Management in LIS Education: Bridging Research and Practice.

200. Designing Disciplinary Identity: An Analysis of the Term "Design" in Library and Information Science Vocabulary.