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452 results

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1. Learning with Treescapes in Environmentally Endangered Times. Occasional Paper Series 50

2. Perspectives on the Year Abroad: A Selection of Papers from YAC2018

3. Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2017 Conference. Contributions from Science Education Research. Volume 6

4. The Other 17 Hours: Valuing Out-of-School Time. Occasional Papers 30

5. Social Mobility and Higher Education: Are Grammar Schools the Answer? Occasional Paper 22

6. Adult Education at the Margins and towards New Paradigms. Occasional Paper Number 2.

7. Life, the Universe and Almost Everything: The Value of Adults Learning in Science. A Policy Discussion Paper.

8. A Critical Assessment of Adult Continuing Education Curriculum Development in Practice. Occasional Paper Number 3.

9. Numeracy. Viewpoints: A Series of Occasional Papers on Basic Education. 16.

10. Family Literacy. Viewpoints: A Series of Occasional Papers on Basic Education. 15.

11. Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education. Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies

12. One Cheer for Two Cultures? The 1993 White Paper on Science and Technology.

13. Skills for the New Millennium. Paper Presentations: Session G.

14. Browne and Beyond: Modernizing English Higher Education. Bedford Way Papers No. 42

15. Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning (11th, Jacksonville, Florida, April 12-15, 2000).

16. Language and Literacies. Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (University of Manchester, England, United Kingdom, September 1998). British Studies in Applied Linguistics 14.

17. Selected Papers from the 1990 Meeting of the American Journalism Historians' Association (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, October 2-7, 1990): Part 2.

18. Some Implications for Distance Educators. Occasional Papers 3.

19. British University Certificate and Diploma Programs (All Fields Except Education, Teacher Training and Health). NAFSA Field Service Working Paper #7.

20. Microcomputer Materials from MEP. An Annotated Directory of Packages of Interest to Further Education. An Occasional Paper.

21. HRD Theory. Symposium 15. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

22. Global Knowledge Transfer Issues. Symposium 12. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

23. International Perspectives on Education. BCES Conference Books, Volume 10

24. The Quest for Quality--Towards Joint European Quality Norms.

25. Chapter 9: More than a piece of paper.

26. Analysis of Children and Young People's Plans, 2007

27. Beyond the Boundaries. Exploring the Potential of Widening Provision in Higher Education.

28. Scaling Up Success: Lessons Learned from Technology-Based Educational Improvement

29. Liberating Knowledge: Research, Feminism, and Adult Education.

30. Changing Places? Flexibility, Lifelong Learning and a Learning Society.

31. Each Belongs: The Remarkable Story of the First School System to Move to Inclusion


33. How To Get a Ph.D.: Managing the Peaks and Troughs of Research.

35. Causes and Effects of Delinquent Behaviour and Social Exclusion.

36. HRD: Past, Present and Future. Symposium.

37. Summary of Paper for NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Assessing Research and Innovation Policies and their Impact.

38. New Challenges to Education: Lessons from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 19

39. TVET Teacher Education on the Threshold of Internationalisation

40. Professional Development. Symposium 26. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

41. Emotions and Behavior in the Workplace. Symposium 28. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

42. Change and the Consultant. Symposium 43. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

43. Research Methods in HRD. Symposium 40. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

44. Cross-Cultural Issues in HRD. Symposium 29. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

45. Feedback Systems. Symposium 28. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

46. Action Learning. Symposium 21. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

47. Increasing Participation in Learning. Symposium 19. [Concurrent Symposium Session at AHRD Annual Conference, 2000.]

48. Chapter 4: Socialized Medicine and Other Afflictions: The Political Culture of the Health Debate.

49. Research into Distance Education = Fernlehre und Fernlehrforschung.

50. Lapse of the Licensing Act.