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133,120 results

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1. Heterogeneity and Endogenous Compliance: Implications for Scaling Class Size Interventions. Working Paper 32338

2. Should we leave the paper currency? A microbiological examination.

3. Behavioural Economics and the COVID-Induced Education Crisis. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 254

4. Women's Colleges and Economics Major Choice: Evidence from Wellesley College Applicants. Working Paper 31144

5. Claiming the Promise of Place-Based Education. Occasional Paper Series 33

6. Examining the Earnings Trajectories of Community College Students Using a Piecewise Growth Curve Modeling Approach. A CAPSEE Working Paper

8. Conditional Cash Transfers for Education. Working Paper 29758

9. Empirical Strategies in Economics: Illuminating the Path from Cause to Effect. Working Paper 29726

11. The Impact on Growth of Higher Efficiency of Public Spending on Schools. OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 547

12. Evolution of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Australia: An Unfinished History. Occasional Paper

13. Early Childhood Development, Human Capital and Poverty. Working Paper 29362

14. Conceptual Frameworks for Child Care Decision-Making. White Paper

15. Econometric Assessment of 'One Minute' Paper as a Pedagogic Tool

16. Can Community Colleges Afford to Improve Completion? Measuring the Costs and Efficiency Effects of College Reforms. CCRC Working Paper No. 55

17. Inside Thai Private Higher Education: Exploring Private Growth in International Context. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 12

18. Universities and Fields of Study in Argentina: A Public-Private Comparison from the Supply and Demand Side. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 15

19. Back to the Present: Strategic Enrollment Planning for the Coming Demographic Change. Noel-Levitz White Paper

20. Global Labour Mobility and Mutual Recognition of Skills and Qualifications: European Union and Australia/New Zealand Perspectives. Working Paper No. 56

21. Markets in Higher Education: Can We Still Learn from Economics' Founding Fathers? Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.4.06

22. Skilled Migration: Australia. Working Paper No. 63

23. International Workforce Initiatives: Definitions, Design Options, and Project Profiles. Working Paper Series. No. 1

24. The Impact of a Universal Class-Size Reduction Policy: Evidence from Florida's Statewide Mandate. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 10-03

25. The Idea and Ideals of the University: A Panel Session of the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies. ACLS Occasional Paper No. 63

26. Policy Developments in VET: Analysis for Selected Countries. Working Paper No. 54

27. Building Citizenship: Governance and Service Provision in Canada. CPRN Discussion Paper.

28. Labour Market Performance, Income Inequality and Poverty in OECD Countries. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 500

29. How Can VET Systems Meet the Challenges of Innovation and New Skill Requirements? An Exploration of State and Territory Initiatives in Australia. Working Paper No. 59

31. Knowledge and Skills for the New Economy: The Role of Educational Policy. Training Matters: Working Paper Series.

32. The Influence of Academic Values on Scholarly Publication and Communication Practices. Research and Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.13.06

33. Skills Shortages: Concepts, Measurement and Implications. Working Paper No. 52

34. Notes towards a Social Theory of Lifetime Learning: History, Place, and the Learning Society. Patterns of Participation in Adult Education and Training. Working Paper 6.

35. A Historical and Contextual Look at Education and Workforce Development. Working Paper WP/05-02

36. Regional Development, Innovation, Skill Needs and Training: A Pilot Study in the Shire of Gannawarra, Victoria. Working Paper No. 55

37. The Paper Airplane Challenge: A Market Economy Simulation. Lesson Plan.

38. The Learning Society. Patterns of Participation in Adult Education and Training. Working Paper 5.

39. Price Measures in Education and Training: Opening a Discussion. Working Paper No. 53

41. the Future: Science, Engineering and Education. Commentary from the Scientific Grassroots. A White Paper on the Issues and Need for Public Funding of Basic Science and Engineering Research.

43. So You Want To Earn a PH.D. in Economics: How Long Do You Think It Will Take? Discussion Paper.

44. Characteristics of Participants in the Commercial Paper Funding Facility

45. American History Since 1945: A Framework for Periodization. Occasional Paper.

46. Swords into Plowshares: Converting to a Peace Economy. Worldwatch Paper 96.

47. Excellence at Work. Policy Option Papers for the National Governors' Association.

48. Spanish Society. Government and Political Economy: A Bibliographic Essay. Occasional Paper Series.

49. 'Notice the Similarities between the Two Sets …': Imperative Usage in a Corpus of Upper-Level Student Papers

50. Perspectives for Continuing Education and Training: Cooperation between Western and Eastern Europe. European Congress on Continuing Education and Training (3rd, Berlin, Germany, March 14-15, 1991). Congress Papers.