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1. The Diachrony of Subjunctive-Infinitive Competition in Balkan Slavic

2. No Gender in ‘Gender Agreement’: On Declension Classes and Gender in Serbo-Croatian

3. «sei sprechen dann die art of falling auseinander»

4. Letteratura e carcere in America. Il caso Theo Padnos

5. L-Vocalisation in London English

6. The Indirect Passive in Japanese is a Mono-clausal Phenomenon

7. A quantificational-determiner analysis of EST in relative superlatives

8. Incest as Form and the Identity Taboo according to Angela Carter

9. S’initier aux écrits littéraires du XVIe siècle par le site Tragiques Inventions : une pédagogie du hand reading

10. Enchantment as a Subversive force in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child

11. Philip Hepburn, Stephen Freeman and the American Context of Sylvia’s Lovers

12. L-Vocalisation in London English

13. The Indirect Passive in Japanese is a Mono-clausal Phenomenon

14. A quantificational-determiner analysis of EST in relative superlatives

15. Incest as Form and the Identity Taboo according to Angela Carter

16. S’initier aux écrits littéraires du XVIe siècle par le site Tragiques Inventions : une pédagogie du hand reading

17. Enchantment as a Subversive force in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child

18. Letteratura e carcere in America. Il caso Theo Padnos

19. Philip Hepburn, Stephen Freeman and the American Context of Sylvia’s Lovers

20. Mood Alternations in Old High German Subordinate Clauses

21. Expletive Dative clitics are situation pronouns

22. L’imperfetto resiano fra tempo, aspetto e modo

23. Interruzione dell’ordine lineare vs discontinuità sintattica

24. Non-Topicalized Preverbal Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese, Compared to Italian

25. The Interpretation of Indefinites with Adnominal Adjectives in the Sicilian Dialects

26. Motivating a Morphome

27. A Glimpse of the Semantic Structure of the Bulgarian Preposition nana

28. Early Latin Loan-Words in Modern Ukrainian and the Question of Toponymic Replications

29. Historical */s/ in Preconsonantal Position in the German Minority Language of Sauris/Zahre in North-Eastern Italy

30. Моделі вираження посесивно­­го результативного пасиву в українській мові

31. From Number Cycle to Split Plurality and Back in Albanian

32. Theme Vowels e and i in Russian: Implementing the Cartographic Approach

33. Latino o cirillico? Le proposte di un alfabeto misto nelle visioni di unità jugoslava del periodo interbellico

34. К этимологии праславянского обозначения ‘раны’

35. Language Ideologies and Multilingual Practices of Post-Soviet Migrants in Western Europe from a Translanguaging Perspective

36. «Der Blaue Montag». Un quadretto popolare come possibile fonte di una scena di Delitto e castigo

37. Mito Tecnicizzato e mitologie della Ragione

38. Teleologia ed escatologia nei Beiträge zur Philosophie di Heidegger

39. I periodici per l’infanzia degli anni Venti e la creazione del futuro cittadino sovietico

40. Rinnovamento socialista e progetto autogestionario

41. Téa Obreht e Sara Nović: l’esotico alla balcanica

42. El llindar dels títols en l’assagisme periodístic de Joan F. Mira

43. Towards a Fine-Grained Theory of Focus

44. De la littérature dite sabir

45. Tra lontananza e vicinanza: gli italiani e gli sloveni nel romanzo contemporaneo sloveno in Italia

46. A Context-Based Investigation of the ‘Jewel’ Crux in The Comedy of Errors

47. Scrambling as verum focus

48. Les dialogues dans Zazie dans le métro de Raymond Queneau

49. The Prophetess and the Vampire

50. «Dormivo e sognavo che non ero al mondo»