This thesis is dedicated to the sexting, which has in recent years concentrated mainly among teenagers. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the Internet, since the communication path is widely used to send sexting photos. In chapter 1.1 Internet we can find some introductory words about what the internet is, how it works and especially the dangers to users of this media lurking, if you' re not careful about how you treat the information about yourselves. The second part focuses on the very phenomenon of sexting. This gives us the opportunity to learn basic information about it and realize that this isn´t just about sending sexual photos, and that this behavior often brings a negative experience that can individually affect the psyche of each person. The work is also focused on cyberbullying and cybersex, because of this issue is very close to sexting. The third chapter deals with sexting and child pornography. This section summarizes the most important facts about child pornography and I focus here to show that sexting may be in some ways a synonym of the distribution of child pornography. The aim of the work itself is to find out what teenagers know about sexting, if they know this term and what experience, if there are any, have they with sexting. This research utilized qualitative strategies, method of interviewing and technique of semi-structured interview. The sample consisted of nine children, who were from several cities in the Czech Republic and for their selection I chose the technique of not-empiric choice, snow-ball. The first part of the interview deals with the ownership of a cell phone and a personal account on social network. These data are important for research in this area, because the cell phone and the internet, resp. social networks are most widely used by modern means of communication that is used for sending photos. The second part of the interview deals with fundamental questions about sexting, if children know the term and if they perceive any risks that could stem from this behavior. The third part of the interview is about concrete experiences with sexting. I tried to find out if sexting children have personal experience and if they don´t, how they view those who actively sext. The summary shows that children today know what sexting is, even though they often don´t know it as sexting. From the research that I conducted, indicates that children usually use for taking photos of themselves naked cell phone, that is also the main resource to load this photos on the internet, especially on the Facebook page. Children who are sexting, do not know or realize risks and send photos again. Children who don´t do sexting are aware of the risks, and they don´t want to do this. With my work I would like to contribute actively to increase public awareness of the phenomenon and in particular I would like to appeal to parents, teachers and other adults to don´t take this phenomenon easy and take care about teenagers so that they never had to deal with the consequences that may sending sexual pictures cause