- Author
Mamontov, Kristina, Petrić, Daniela, Grković, Jasna, Ljubičić Bistrović, Ivana, and Vučić Peitl, Marija
- Subjects
COVID-19 pandemic ,family members ,epidemiologic measures ,retirement home - Abstract
Uvod: COVID-19 pandemija predstavlja veliki izazov za cijelo društvo te donosi sa sobom niz epidemioloških mjera, naročito prema domovima za starije osobe, gdje su najčešće smješteni korisnici s nizom komorbiditeta podložne komplikacijama po infekciji COVID-19, uključujući i smrtni ishod. Posjete su za vrijeme pandemije bile zabranjene, ili svedene na minimum, a sve u cilju sprječavanja širenja infekcije i zaštite starijih osoba. Cilj: Istražiti koji je odnos članova obitelji korisnika prema epidemiološkim mjerama u Doma za starije Domenico Pergolis u Rovinju, te da li primijenjene epidemiološke mjere ograničenja posjeta dovode do negativnih osjećaja kod članova obitelji korisnika. Nadalje ispitati da li se razlikuje subjektivan doživljaj usamljenosti kod članova obitelji ovisno o grupi korisnika i dali ograničenje posjeta utječe na zadovoljstvo uslugama doma od strane članova obitelji korisnika. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 90 posjetitelja korisnika Doma za starije osobe. Istraživanje se provodilo u Rovinju u periodu od 1.5.2022.g. do 1.6.2022.g. Ispitanici su članovi obitelji (partneri, djeca, drugi članovi obitelji) korisnika u domu koji su dali privolu za ispunjavanje upitnika za ovo istraživanje. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri grupe. Prvu grupu sačinjavaju članovi obitelji čiji korisnici doma boluju od Alzheimerove bolesti, drugu grupu sačinjavaju članovi obitelji čiji korisnici doma boluju od miješane demencije (vaskularna demencija, demencija s Lewyjevim tjelešcima, frontotemporalna demencija, demencija kod Creutzfeldt-Jakobove bolesti, demencija kod Parkinsonove bolesti), i treću grupu čine oni čiji su članovi smješteni u dom, a ne boluju od demencije. Ispitanici su ispunili 3 upitnika: Upitnik vezan za provođenje epidemioloških mjera tijekom covid-19 pandemije u domovima za starije osobe s sosiodemografskim podacima, Upitnik koji se sastoji od tri čestica UCLA ljestvica usamljenosti (three-Item Loneliness Scale) i Upitnik kvalitete života odraslih njegovatelja (AC-QoL-Support for caring). Rezultati: Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 57,44 (SD=11,72) godina. Muških ispitanika bilo je 36 (39,6%), a ženskih 55 (60,4%). 46 (50,5%) ispitanika ima srednju stručnu spremu, 27 (29,7,5%) ih ima visoku stručnu spremu, 10 (11,0%) ispitanika ima višu stručnu spremu, dok 8 ispitanika ima završenu osnovnu školu ili manje). U radnom odnosu je 55 (60,4%) ispitanika, 31 (34,1%) ispitanik je u mirovini i 5 (5,5%) ispitanike je nezaposleno. 43 (47,3%) ispitanika dolazi u posjetu svojem roditelju, 36 (39,6%) drugom članu obitelji, 9 (9,9%) partneru. Prijatelja posjećuje 2 (2,2%) ispitanika, Iz rezultata vezana uz ograničenja posjeta za vrijeme pandemije vidljivo da velika većina ispitanika razumije i podržava uvođenje i primjenu epidemioloških mjera vezano uz posjete korisnicima doma. Najučestaliji načini za kontakt s korisnicima doma ostvarivao se putem medicinskih sestara (92,3%) i posjeta na otvorenom održavajući propisanu fizičku udaljenost (81,3%). Subjektivni doživljaj usamljenosti posjetitelja razlikuje se značajno u odnosu na skupinu korisnika doma (F=8,636; p=0,000). Rezultati post-hoc analize korištenjem LSD testa ukazuju da ispitanici koji posjećuju korisnike sa Alzheimerovom demencijom iskazuju statistički značajno veći doživljaj usamljenosti od ispitanika koji posjećuju korisnike sa miješanom demencijom (p=0,000). Ispitanici koji posjećuju korisnike bez demencije iskazuju statistički značajno veći doživljaj usamljenosti od ispitanika koji posjećuju korisnike sa miješanom demencijom (p=0,004). Kod ispitanika najzastupljeniji su štetni učinci epidemioloških mjera na tugu (74,7%), usamljenost (40,7%), pad kvalitete života (24,2%) i strah (21,9%). Nisu pronađene razlike u kvaliteti života posjetitelja u odnosu na skupinu korisnika doma. Utvrđen je negativan utjecaj ograničenja posjeta na zadovoljstvo uslugom kod posjetitelja korisnika doma. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu ispitanika prije i tijekom pandemije. Ispitanici procjenjuju da je kvaliteta usluga bila veća prije pandemije. Zaključak: Epidemiološke mjere za vrijeme ograničenja posjeta u domu su ostavile traga na članove obitelji korisnika i posjetitelje. Pružanje novih mogućnosti za ostanak u kontaktu s korisnicima omogućilo je da se prevaziđe ovo teško razdoblje. Pokazalo se da je uključenost djelatnika domova u odnos između korisnika i obitelji doprinijelo ublažavanju negativnih efekata COVID-19 pandemije pomažući da obitelj dobije sve potrebne informacije., Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic presents a great challenge for the entire society and brings with it a series of epidemiological measures, especially for elderly homes. Commonly, these users have several comorbidities and are subject to complications from the infection of COVID-19, including death. During the pandemic, visits were prohibited or reduced to a minimum, in order to prevent the spread of infection and protect the elderly. Objective: To investigate the attitude of the family members of the beneficiaries towards the epidemiological measures in the Home for the Elderly Domenico Pergolis in Rovinj, and whether the epidemiological measures of visiting restrictions lead to negative feelings among the family members of the beneficiaries. Furthermore, the goal was to examine whether the subjective experience of loneliness among family members differs depending on the group of users and whether the restriction of visits affects the satisfaction of the home's services by the user's family members. Subjects and procedures: 90 visitors to the Home for the Elderly participated in the research. The research was conducted in Rovinj in the period from 1.5.2022. until 1.6.2022. Respondents were family members (partners, children, other family members) of users in the home who gave their consent to fill out the questionnaire for this research. The respondents were divided into three groups. The first group consists of family members whose residents suffer from Alzheimer's disease, the second group consists of family members whose residents suffer from mixed dementia (vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia, dementia in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, dementia in Parkinson's disease), and the third group consists of those whose members are placed in the elderly home and do not suffer from dementia. Respondents filled out 3 questionnaires: Questionnaire related to the implementation of epidemiological measures during the covid-19 pandemic in homes for the elderly with socio-demographic data, Questionnaire consisting of three items of the UCLA Loneliness Scale (three-item Loneliness Scale) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire of adult caregivers ( AC-QoL-Support for caring). Results: The average age of the subjects was 57.44 (SD=11.72) years. There were 36 male respondents (39.6%), and 55 female respondents (60.4%). 46 (50.5%) respondents have a secondary education, 27 (29.7.5%) have a university education, 10 (11.0%) respondents have a higher education, while 8 respondents have completed elementary school or less ). 55 (60.4%) respondents are employed, 31 (34.1%) respondents are retired and 5 (5.5%) respondents are unemployed. 43 (47.3%) respondents come to visit their parents, 36 (39.6%) another family member, and 9 (9.9%) their partner, while 2 (2.2%) respondents visit a friend, From the results related to restrictions on visits during the pandemic, it is evident that many respondents understand and support the introduction and application of epidemiological measures related to visits to home users. The most frequent ways to contact the users of the home were through nurses (92.3%) and outdoor visits maintaining the prescribed physical distance (81.3%). The subjective experience of loneliness of visitors differs significantly compared to the group of home users (F=8.636; p=0.000). The results of the post-hoc analysis using the LSD test indicate that respondents who visit users with Alzheimer's dementia report a statistically significantly greater experience of loneliness than respondents who visit users with mixed dementia (p=0.000). Respondents who visit users without dementia report a statistically significantly higher experience of loneliness than respondents who visit users with mixed dementia (p=0.004). Among the respondents, the most prevalent adverse effects of epidemiological measures are sadness (74.7%), loneliness (40.7%), decreased quality of life (24.2%) and fear (21.9%). No differences were found in the quality of life of visitors compared to the group of home users. The negative impact of visiting restrictions on service satisfaction among visitors to home users was determined. A statistically significant difference was found in the satisfaction of respondents before and during the pandemic. Respondents estimate that the quality of services was higher before the pandemic. Conclusion: Epidemiological measures during the restriction of visits in the home have left their mark on the family members of the users and visitors. Providing new opportunities to stay in touch with customers made it possible to overcome this difficult period. It was shown that the involvement of the staff of the homes in the relationship between the user and the family contributed to mitigating the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by helping the family get all the necessary information.
- Published
- 2022