Maričević, Marko, Ikić, Ivica, Jukić, Katarina, Sever, Matija, Stepinac, Domagoj, and Lovrić, Ana
Pšenica je po proizvodnji druga najvažnija ratarska kultura u Republici Hrvatskoj. Uvođenjem Kodeksa otkupa žitarica i uljarica, pored uroda zrna, sve veća važnost poklanja se parametrima kvalitete zrna pšenice, prvenstveno sadržaju proteina i hektolitarskoj masi, koji direktno utječu na cijenu pšenice prilikom otkupa. Genetski potencijal sorte kao i okolinski uvjeti izravno utječu na navedene parametre. Trogodišnjim istraživanjem provedenim na lokaciji Staro Topolje na 12 sorti ozime pšenice, uzgajanim pri tri različite razine gnojidbe dušikom, procijenjen je utjecaj godine, sorte i tretmana dušičnim gnojivom na sadržaj proteina, hektolitarsku masu i masu 1000 zrna. Prema dobivenim rezultatima utvrđen je signifikantan utjecaj godine, sorte i tretmana dušičnim gnojivom na sadržaj proteina. Najveći utjecaj na ovo svojstvo imala je godina, zatim tretman dušičnim gnojivom, a najmanji sorta. Signifikantan utjecaj godine i sorte utvrđen je i za hektolitarsku masu, dok tretman dušičnim gnojivom nije signifikantno utjecao na ovo svojstvo, uz činjenicu da je utjecaj godine bio znatno veći u odnosu na sortu. Također je utvrđeno da su sve testirane sorte jednako reagirale na tretman dušičnim gnojivom. Prosječni sadržaj proteina pri najnižoj količini primijenjenog dušičnog gnojiva iznosio je 11,08 %, pri srednjoj 11,95 %, a pri najvišoj 12,89 %., Wheat is the second most important crop in the Republic of Croatia. With the introduction of the Code of the purchase of grains and oilseeds, in addition to grain yield, increasing importance is attached to the parameters of wheat grain quality, primarily protein content and test weight, which directly affect the wheat price at purchase. The genetic potential of the variety as well as the environmental conditions directly affect the stated parameters. Three-year research conducted at the location of Staro Topolje on 12 winter wheat varieties grown under three different levels of nitrogen fertilization, evaluated the effect of year, variety and treatment with nitrogen fertilization on protein content, hectolitre mass and thousand seed weight. For protein content significant effects of the year, variety and treatment with nitrogen fertilizer were determined. The year had the greatest effect on this trait, then treatment with nitrogen fertilizer, and the variety had the smallest effect. Significant effects of year and variety were also found for hectolitre mass, while treatment with nitrogen fertilizer did not significantly affect this trait, with the effect of year being considerably higher as compared to the effect of variety. It was also observed that all tested varieties responded equally to nitrogen fertilizer treatment. The average protein content at the lowest amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer was 11,08%, at the medium 11,95%, and at the highest 12,89%.