1. Working media for organic Rankine cycles
- Author
Cvjetojević, Vladimir and Filipan, Veljko
- Subjects
low-temperature heat source ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Kemijsko inženjerstvo ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Chemical Engineering ,organic fluid ,organski fluid ,organic Rankine cycle (ORC) ,niskotemperaturni izvori topline ,organski Rankineov ciklus (ORC) - Abstract
Organski Rankineov ciklus je varijacija Rankineovog ciklusa u kojem se kao radni medij umjesto vode koristi lakoisparljivi organski fluid. Kako su u tom slučaju za isparavanje dovoljne relativno niske temperature ovakva tehnologija omogućava iskorištavanje energije niskotemperaturnih izvora poput otpadne topline, geotermalne energije, sunčeve energije, te energije biomase. Ta toplina se pretvara u rad koji se uglavnom koristi za dobivanje električne energije. U ovom završnom radu se iznose neke najčešće upotrebe ORC-a, kriteriji koje radna tvar mora zadovoljavati, ukratko je opisano nekoliko tvari koji su našli svoju praktičnu primjenu uz jednostavni proračun iskoristivosti procesa za dana radne uvjete. Organic Rankine cycle is a variation of Rankine cycle where organic fluid with low evaporation temperature is used instead of water. Thus, enabling the use of low-temperature energy source, this sort of technology makes it possible to yield useful energy from low-temperature heat source like waste heat recovery, geothermal energy, solar energy and biomass. The heat is converted to work which is the most likely used for generating the electricity. In this final thesis are stated some of the most common application of ORC technology, criteria that each organic fluid must meet, some of the most commonly used compounds, as well as the simple calculation of their efficiency under stated working conditions.
- Published
- 2019