Učinkovita fi zikalna, kemijska, biokemijska i imunosna funkcija kože podrazumijeva odgovarajuću strukturu epidermisa. Filagrin, jedan od epidermalnih proteina, ključan je za stvaranje korneocita i intracelularnih metabolita koji doprinose održavanju vlažnosti sloja stratum korneum i kiselog pH površine kože. Opisane su međutim, brojne mutacije gena koji kodira (pro)fi lagrin, upalna stanja i razni vanjski čimbenici koji rezultiraju deficitom fi lagrina. Defi cit fi lagrina dokazan je u raznim kožnim bolestima, a spoznaje o njegovom metaboličkom procesiranju otkrivaju i ciljeve za novu terapijsku strategiju u takvim bolestima. U ovom pregledu opisane su glavne značajke stvaranja i metabolizma fi lagrina, te kliničke implikacije defi cita fi lagrina u etiopatogenezi nekih kožnih bolesti., Effective physical, chemical, biochemical and immune function of the skin requires a corresponding structure of the epidermis. Filaggrin, one of epidermal proteins, is essential for the formation of corneocytes and intracellular metabolites, which in turn contribute to maintaining the stratum corneum humidity and acidic pH of the skin surface. However, a number of profi laggrin gene mutations have been described, as well as different infl ammatory conditions and different external factors that all resulted in fi laggrin defi ciency. Filaggrin defi ciency is recorded in different skin diseases and discoveries related to metabolic processing of fi laggrin point to new goals in therapeutic strategies. In this preview, the main properties of the formation and metabolism of fi laggrin are described, as well as clinical implications of fi laggrin defi ciency in the etiopathogenesis of some skin diseases.