1. Geometric morphometric characteristics of stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in Southeastern Europe
- Author
Vodanović, Ivana and Maguire, Ivana
- Subjects
Astacidae ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Biologija ,Austropotamobius torrentium ,geometrijska morfometrija ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Biology ,phylogroups ,geometric morphometry ,tradicionalna morfometrija ,filogrupe - Abstract
Potoĉni rak, Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) jedna je od ĉetiri autohtone europske vrste iz porodice Astacidae koja ţivi u hrvatskim slatkovodnim ekosustavima te je zakonom strogo zaštićen. Rakovi su kljuĉni dio tih ekosustava i pokretaĉi kruţenja organskih tvari zbog svoje raznovrsne prehrane, a i sami su hrana raznim vodenim i terestriĉkim predatorima. Nedavna istraţivanja u Europi i Hrvatskoj pokazala su znaĉajan pad u brojnosti, najviše zbog antropogenog utjecaja uslijed industrijalizacije i regulacije vodenih tokova, ali i zbog širenja alohtonih invazivnih vrsta rakova. Morfološka obiljeţja vrste mijenjaju se pod utjecajem genetiĉkih faktora, ali i zbog adaptacije vrste na razne ekološke i stanišne ĉimbenike. Sukladno tome, cilj rada je obraditi izmjerene podatke o veliĉini i obliku prikupljenih jedinki potoĉnih rakova te uz upotrebu metoda geometrijske morfometrije što bolje prikazati varijabilnost pojedinih filogrupa. Upotrebom geometrijske morfometrije i statistiĉkom obradom dobivenih rezultata, utvrĊene su razlike izmeĊu pojedinih filogrupa na podruĉju jugoistoĉne Europe te se rezultati podudaraju s prethodnim molekularno-filogenetskim istraţivanjima i saznanjima. Budući da na potoĉnom raku dosad nije obavljeno puno geometrijsko-morfometrijskih analiza, dobiveni rezultati će biti vrijedan izvor informacija za buduća istraţivanja ekoloških, evolucijskih i taksonomskih obiljeţja vrste na razini Europe. The stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium is one of four native European species from the Astacidae family, inhabiting Croatian freshwater ecosystems and is protected by Croatian laws. Crayfish play an essential role in those ecosystems and therefore they are the key stone species. Recent studies in Europe and Croatia showed a significant decrease in numbers of stone crayfish populations, mainly because of the anthropogenic impact caused by industrialization and water flow regulations, but also because of a growing number of allochthones crayfish species. Morphological variability within the species is a result of both genetic and environmental mechanisms. Main goal of this graduate thesis is to process measured data for the size and shape of collected stone crayfish specimens using geometric morphometric methods and use the results to establish the differences among different phylogroups previously obtained by molecular phylogenetic research. By using geometric morphometric methods and statistical data analyses of our results, the differences among phylogroups in South-eastern Europe were confirmed and our results match previous molecular phylogenetic research and data. Since the number of geometric morphometric analysis on the stone crayfish is scarce, obtained results will be a valuable source of information for future research of their ecology, evolution and taxonomic characteristics.
- Published
- 2019