6 results on '"Threat perception"'
Search Results
2. News avoidance and the psychological impact of COVID-19 and earthquakes in Croatia
- Author
Mihalec, Mihaela, Vozab, Dina, Majstorović Jedovnicki, Dunja, Perišin, Tena, and Boban, Davor
- Subjects
impact of COVID-19 news ,news avoidance ,threat perception ,psychological impact ,media addiction in crisis ,ways of coping with stress - Abstract
Iako je javnost u početcima pandemije imala potrebu za informiranjem putem medija, u kasnijim fazama dolazi do povećanja izbjegavanja vijesti i vijesti o COVID-19. Četvrti pandemijski val obilježen je ne samo preopterećenjem vijestima već i psihološkim utjecajem, a stres je kod pojedinaca povećan i zbog pojačane seizmološke aktivnosti. U ovom diplomskom radu nastojalo se teorijski i empirijski, kros-sekcijskim anketnim istraživanjem istražiti u kojoj mjeri ispitanici u Republici Hrvatskoj u četvrtom pandemijskom valu izbjegavaju vijesti i vijesti o COVID-19 te kako su COVID-19 i potresi psihološki utjecali na ispitanike. Kroz teorijski dio objasnilo se izbjegavanje vijesti u kriznim vremenima te razlika između namjernog i nenamjernog izbjegavanja vijesti, doživljavanje stresa i poveznica s medijima te percepcija rizika i strategije suočavanja sa psihološkim utjecajem pandemije COVID-19. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju kako su mlađi ispitanici više izbjegavali vijesti i vijesti o COVID-19 nego stariji, da su mlađi ispitanici više osjećali preopterećenost informacijama nego stariji ispitanici, stariji ispitanici bili su manje uplašeni od mlađih ispitanika, mlađi ispitanici više su isticali ranjivost njihovih bližnjih, dok su stariji ispitanici isticali njihovu osobnu ranjivost i naposljetku da su i stariji i mlađi ispitanici poduzimali potrebne mjere kako bi se nosili s pandemijom., Public had increased need for information in the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, but in later stages there has been an increase in avoidance of news and news about COVID-19. The fourth pandemic wave was marked not only by news overload but also by psychological impact, and stress in individuals which was increased due to increased seismological activity. This master thesis sought to theoretically and empirically investigate, through cross-sectional survey research, the extent to which respondents in Croatia during the fourth pandemic wave avoided news and news about COVID-19 and how COVID-19 and earthquakes psychologically affected respondents. The theoretical part explained the avoidance of news in times of crisis and the difference between intentional and unintentional avoidance of news, experiencing stress and its connection with the media; and risk perception and strategies for dealing with the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the research show that younger respondents avoided news and news about COVID-19 more than the older ones. Younger respondents felt more overwhelmed with informations than older respondents, older respondents were less frightened than younger respondents, younger respondents were more vulnerable while older respondents highlighted their personal vulnerability and, finally, that both older and younger respondents took the necessary measures to cope with the pandemic.
- Published
- 2022
3. Tko treba dobiti hrvatsko državljanstvo? Stavovi studenata Fakulteta političkih znanosti u Zagrebu o naturalizaciji u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Merkaš, Mateja, Baričević, Vedrana, Širinić, Daniela, and Blanuša, Nebojša
- Subjects
citizenship ,migrations ,threat perception ,national identity ,student attitudes - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazano je istraživanje stavova studenata Fakulteta političkih znanosti u Zagrebu o dodjeljivanju hrvatskoga državljanstva. Istraživanje se može podijeliti u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu, cilj je bio istražiti stavove studenata o kriterijima za dodjeljivanje državljanstva, stavove o dodjeli državljanstva strancima s obzirom na njihove sociodemografske karakteristike i etničku pripadnost te provjeriti i opisati razlike u navedenim stavovima s obzirom na spol, stupanj religioznosti i ideološku orjentaciju ispitanika. U drugom dijelu istraživanja, cilj je bio provjeriti odnos između odabranih varijabli. U okviru toga provjerio se odnos stavova o kriterijima za dodjelu hrvatskoga državljanstva i stavova o hrvatskom nacionalnom identitetu te odnos percepcije sigurnosne i kulturne prijetnje pojedinih etničkih skupina sa stavovima o dodjeljivanju državljanstva tim istim skupinama. Analiza je pokazala kako studenti ne stavljaju naglasak na etnički kriterij za dodjelu hrvatskoga državljanstva te isto tako nemaju ni etničku koncepciju nacionalnog identiteta, no kao važan kriterij ističu poštivanje hrvatske kulture i običaja. Također, na razini konkretnih pitanja, studenti su preferirali skupinu koja je etnički bliska te je pitanje je li njihovo odbacivanje uvriježene etnonacionalne identifikacije u Hrvatskoj više deklaratorne prirode. Nadalje, pokazali su relativnu otvorenost prema različitim skupinama pojedinaca, uz određene iznimke koje se mogu objasniti percepcijom sigurnosne i kulturološke prijetnje. Potvrdile su se i razlike u stavovima s obzirom na određene sociodemografske karakteristike studenata, te se pokazala otvorenost onih koji se najmanje slažu s etničkim kriterijem za dodjelu hrvatskoga državljanstva. Naposljetku, valja istaknuti da je ideja provedenog istraživanja bila ponudi temelj za buduća opširnija istraživanja, s obzirom na to da na ovu temu u Hrvatskoj nije provedeno još ni jedno istraživanje., This work presents a survey of the attitudes of students at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb on the granting of Croatian citizenship. The research can be divided into two parts. In the first part, the aim was to investigate students' attitudes about the criteria for granting citizenship, attitudes about granting citizenship to foreigners with regard to their socio-demographic characteristics and ethnicity, and to check and describe differences in these attitudes with regard to gender, religiosity and ideological orientation. In the second part of the study, the aim was to check the relationship between the selected variables. In this context, the relationship between attitudes about the criteria for granting Croatian citizenship and attitudes about Croatian national identity and the relationship between the perception of security and cultural threats of individual ethnic groups and attitudes about granting citizenship to those same groups is examined. The analysis showed that students do not place emphasis on the ethnic criterion for granting Croatian citizenship and also do not have an ethnic conception of national identity, but as an important criterion they emphasize respect for Croatian culture and customs. Also, at the level of specific issues, students preferred a group that is ethnically closer and the question is whether their rejection of the established ethno-national identification in Croatia is more declarative in nature. Furthermore, they showed relative openness to different groups of individuals, with certain exceptions that can be explained by the perception of security and cultural threat. Differences in attitudes regarding certain socio-demographic characteristics of students were also confirmed, and the openness of those who have show weakest ethnic criteria for granting Croatian citizenship was shown. Finally, the idea of the conducted research was to offer a basis for future more extensive research, given that no other research has been conducted on this topic in Croatia.
- Published
- 2022
4. Ethnocentrism, Threat Perception, and Croatian National Identity
- Author
Zlatko Šram
- Subjects
ethnocentrism ,threat perception ,xenophobia ,Croatian identity ,Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration ,JV1-9480 - Abstract
In this paper the results are presented of the research by which the author tried to establish the dimensionality and distribution of ethnocentrism measured by the Ethno-3 scale, connections between threat perception and ethnocentrism, as well as the associations between the expression of Croatian national identity and both the dimensions of threat perception and ethnocentrism. The investigation was carried out on a sample of students (N=368) at the University of Zagreb. The average age of the respondents was 21 years, and 63 per cent were females. By explorative factor analysis, using orthobliqe rotation, the latent variables used in a further multivariate analysis were extracted. Results of the factor analysis confirmed the hypothesis about the multidimensionality of ethnocentrism and extracted the following dimensions: labeled national affective attachment and self-sacrifice, national exclusiveness and prejudices, national superiority and partiality, and national homogenisation. The results of the multiple regression analysis have shown that the most significant predictors of dimensions of ethnocentrism were threat perception to national security posed by some ethnic minority groups, and threat perception to national cultural identity posed by immigrants. The expression of Croatian national identity is highly associated with the dimension of ethnocentrism that indicates a strong national affective attachment and readiness to self-sacrifice. The structure of relations established between the dimensions of ethnocentrism and threat perception points to the presence of latent conflict in interethnic relationships.
- Published
- 2010
5. Enemy at the Gates? Or How Students of Law from Four Largest Croatian Cities Perceive Refugees and Migrants from the Middle East
- Author
Marko Mrakovčić and Margareta Gregurović
- Subjects
Urban Studies ,Sociology and Political Science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,migranti ,azilanti ,percepcija prijetnje ,stavovi ,studenti prava ,migrants ,refugees ,threat perception ,attitudes ,students of law ,Education - Abstract
U radu se analiziraju stavovi studenata pravnih fakulteta o migrantima s Bliskog istoka i azilantima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom ankete sredinom 2019. godine na pravnim fakultetima u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Splitu i Osijeku (N = 667). Konceptualni okvir za objašnjenje tih stavova primarno nalazimo u teorijama konfliktnog pristupa, tj. teoriji grupne prijetnje i teoriji integrirane prijetnje. U tom kontekstu analizira se kako studenti prava doživljavaju migrante s Bliskog istoka i azilante u Hrvatskoj te smatraju li ih stvarnom ili simboličnom prijetnjom za Hrvatsku i zemlje EU-a. U radu se također ispituju razlike u stavovima među studentima različitih sociodemografskih i sociokulturnih karakteristika. Rezultati su pokazali da su politička orijentacija, stupanj (ne)religioznosti i gradovi iz kojih ispitanici dolaze značajno povezani sa stavovima studenta prema migrantima i azilantima. Također se pokazalo da postoji značajna povezanost između stavova prema azilantima u RH i općenitih stavova koje ispitanici imaju prema migrantima s Bliskog istoka, pri čemu najsnažniji, pozitivni učinak na stavove o migrantima imaju spremnost na bliskost i kulturna otvorenost prema azilantima te izostanak percepcije azilanata kao potencijalne ili stvarne prijetnje za društvo u koje dolaze., In this paper the authors analyse the attitudes of law students towards migrants from the Middle East and refugees in the Republic of Croatia. Survey was conducted in 2019 at four Croatian faculties of law: in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and Osijek (N=667). The conceptual framework was primarily based in conflict theories, i.e., group threat theory and integrated threat theory. The aim of the study was to analyse how students of law perceive migrants from the Middle East and refugees in Croatia, and whether they consider them to be a real or symbolic threat to Croatia and EU countries. The paper also examines differences in attitudes among students of different sociodemographic and sociocultural characteristics. The results showed that political orientation, degree of (non)religiosity and cities from which respondents come are significantly related to students’ attitudes towards migrants and refugees. It has also been determined that there is a significant correlation between the attitudes towards refugees in the Republic of Croatia and the general attitudes of respondents towards migrants from the Middle East. The strongest, positive effect on these attitudes had the readiness for closeness and cultural openness towards refugees and lack of perception that refugees pose potential or real threat to society in which they are moving to.
- Published
- 2020
6. Eksplorativna i konfirmatorna faktorska analiza skale nacionalističkog sindroma (sns-1)
- Author
Zlatko Šram
- Subjects
nacionalistički sindrom ,nacionalizam ,percepcija prijetnje ,konfirmatorna faktorska analiza ,nationalistic syndrome ,nationalism ,threat perception ,con-firmatory factor analysis ,Nacsind-1 - Abstract
U ovom smo istraživanju nastojali utvrditi nalaze li se nacionalna afektivna vezanost, ksenofobija, antisemitizam, percepcija nacionalnomanjinske prijetnje i mentalitet nacionalnoga opsadnog stanja u takvim međusobnim relacijama da na latentnoj razini višega reda formiraju homogen i unutarnje koherentan stavovski konstrukt nacionalističkog sindroma. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 368 studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Da bismo utvrdili dimenzionalnsot i konstruktnu validnost Skale nacionalističkog sindroma od 15 čestica (SNS-1), primijenili smo eksploratornu i konfirmatornu faktorsku analizu. Eksploratornom faktorskom analizom ekstrahirana su tri faktora nazvana ksenofobija i antisemitizam, percepcija prijetnje nacionalnoj sigurnosti i nacionalna afektivna vezanost. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza je pokazala da trodimenzionalni model nacionalističkog sindroma nije posve zadovoljio postavljene kriterije pristajanja, ali ga ne treba u potpunosti odbaciti, jer se komparativni indeksi slaganja nalaze na graničnim razinama prihvatljivosti. Na razni faktora drugog reda model nacionalističkog sindroma ima zadovoljavajuće indekse pristajanja uz dopuštenu razinu standardne pogreške (SRMR= .06, RMSEA EA = .09, GFI= .88, AGFI= .84 CFI= .95, NFI= .95). U tom je smislu potvrđen teorijski model nacionalističkog sindroma kao unutarnje koherentnog sustava (1) etničkog ekskluzionizma, (2) percepcije prijetnje, i (3) snažne nacionalne afektivne identifikacije ili vezanosti. Visoka pouzdanost cijele skale SNS-1 (alfa=.89) pokazala je da se skala može koristiti kao korisna i pouzdana mjera nacionalističkog sindroma u različitim istraživanjima u području sociologije i političkih znanosti. Visoka pouzdanost faktorski ekstrahiranih subskala pokazuju da se one mogu koristiti kao zasebne mjere nacionalističkog sindroma., T he aim of this research was to find out whether national affective attachment, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, threat perception posed by some ethnic minority groups, and national siege mentality are correlated to such a degree that on the latent level of higher order they form a homogeneous and internally coherent attitudinal construct of nationalistic syndrome. The research was carried out on a random sample of students at the University of Zagreb (N=368). In order to establish dimensionality and construct validity of the Scale of nationalistic syndrome consisting of 15 items (SNS-1), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed. The EFA yielded three factors labeled a three-factor Anti-Semitism and xenophobia, Pperception of threat to national security, and Nnational affective attachement and self-sacrifice. CFA that did completely meet the established criteria for goodness-of-fit indices. However, the first-order-factor model of nationalistic syndrome should not immediately be discarded because the comparative fit indices were on the borderline level of acceptability. A second-order-factor model of nationalistic syndrome had all the acceptable goodnes-of-fit indices and and acceptable range for standard error (SRMR= .06; RMSEA EA = .09; GFI= .88; AGFI= .84, CFI= .95; NFI= .95). The theoretical model of nationalistic syndrome as an internally coherent system of ethnic exclusionism, threat perception, and strong national affective identification or attachment is confirmed. A high reliability of the scale SNS-1 (alfa= .89) proved it to be an economic and useful tool for assessing nationalistic syndrome in sociological and political science. High reliability of factorially extracted subscales of SNS-1 indicated that they can be used as specific measures of nationalistic syndrome.
- Published
- 2014
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