Iako je postotak žena koje planiraju porod kod kuće u razvijenim zemljama poprilično nizak, tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća taj se broj u svijetu znatno povećao. O opciji poroda kod kuće, Republika Hrvatska nema jasno koncipirana pravila te ujedno kao država ne potiče taj odabir. Jedno od mnogih pitanja u vezi teme su zadovoljstvo rodilje, sloboda izbora, troškovi i ono najvažnije sigurnost majke i novorođenčeta. Iz tog razloga fokus završnog rada je tema poroda kod kuće zbog kojeg je naše društvo podijeljena mišljenja. Budući da odabir poroda u vlastitom domu također može imati pozitivne učinke na zdravlje majke i djeteta, ovaj se izbor mjesta rođenja može, međutim, protumačiti i kao aspekt promicanja zdravlja. Tijekom izrade rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem prikupljanja mišljenja i stavova žena u svezi s porodom kod kuće. Istraživanje je provedeno putem anketnog upitnika u kojem je sudjelovalo 787 sudionica ženskog spola različite dobi, stručne spreme i iz različitih dijelova Republike Hrvatske te inozemstva. Analizom rezultata dolazimo do zaključka da su žene podijeljena mišljenja kad se radi o porodu kod kuće. Najveći dio sudionica, njih 491 (62,4%), susrelo se s pojmom „porod kod kuće“ te se gotovo 441 (56,1%) sudionica informiralo putem interneta. Dolazimo do saznanja da 315 (40%) sudionica ne razmišlja o mogućnosti poroda kod kuće. Motivi takvog stava u najvećem postotku su strah od komplikacija (299; 42,4%) i mišljenje da je bolnica sigurnije mjesto za porođaj (259; 36,6%). Najčešći razlozi žena koje bi birale porod kod kuće su prvenstveno veći osjećaj sigurnosti (196; 24,9%) te što prirodniji porod (179; 22,8%). Vezano uz stres i usporedbu poroda kod kuće i u rodilištu, većina sudionica smatra da je porod u kući manje stresan nego u rodilištu, slijedom toga, njih 370 (47%) se slaže da je porod kod kuće siguran ako se vodi s licenciranom primaljom. 578 (73,5%) sudionica zalaže se za uvođenje poroda kod kuće u Republici Hrvatskoj, ali uz određene uvjete. Although the percentage of women, who are planning to give birth at home, is quite low in developed countries , the number of home births has increased significantly in the world in recent decades. The Republic of Croatia does not have clearly defined rules on the option of home birth and, as a state, does not encourage this choice. One of the many issues related to the topic of home birth is the satisfaction of the mother, freedom of choice, costs and of course, the most important, safety of the mother and the newborn. For this reason, the focus of the paper is the topic of home birth, about which our society has divided opinions. Since choosing to give birth in one's own home can also have positive effects on the health of the mother and child, this choice of place of birth can, however, also be interpreted as an aspect of health promotion. During the preparation of the paper, a survey was conducted with the aim of collecting women's opinions and attitudes regarding childbirth at home. The research was conducted by a questionnaire a total of 787 respondents participated. They are different in age, qualifications and live in different parts of the Republic of Croatia and abroad. The analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that women have divided opinion when it comes to home birth. Most of the participants or precisely 491 participants (62.4%) were familiar with the term "home birth" and almost 441 (56.1%) were informed via the Internet. It is learned that 315 (40%) participants do not consider the possibility of home birth. The motives for such an attitude are mostly the fear of complications (299; 42.4%) and the opinion that the hospital is a safer place to give birth (259; 36.6%). The most common reasons why women choose to give birth at home are a higher sense of security (196; 24.9%) and more natural childbirth (179; 22.8%). Regarding the perception of stress in childbirth at home compared to hospital, most participants believe that home birth is less stressful than hospital birth. Consequently, 370 participants (47%) agree that home birth is safe if led by licensed midwife. 578 (73.5%) participants supported the idea of introducing childbirth at home in Croatia, but with several conditions.