Samoregulacija učenja odnosi se na sposobnosti razvoja vještina, znanja i stavova koji učenje čine uspješnijim. U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada objašnjene su definicije samoregulacije učenja, navedeni su modeli i područja samoregulacije te aktualni oblik nastave na daljinu i iskustva vezana za takav oblik nastave. Objašnjene su strategije učenja i kontekstualne odrednice koje utječu na proces učenja. U empirijskom dijelu ispitan je 131 student nekoliko učiteljskih studija na području Republike Hrvatske pomoću nekoliko standardiziranih upitnika: Skala stavova o nastavi na daljinu, Skala komponenti samoreguliranog učenja, Skala traženja socijalne podrške, Skala motivacijskih strategija, Opće uvjerenje o mogućnosti kontrole, Odgovori studenata o načinima izvođenja nastave na daljinu u različitim područjima i vremenu provedenom u nastavi na daljinu i Upitnik sociodemografskih podataka. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustva samoregulacije učenja u različitim područjima nastave na daljinu kod studenata učiteljskih studija. Također, cilj je bio ispitati koje se komponente samoregulacije učenja, načini i vrijeme provedeno u učenju na daljinu te stav prema nastavi na daljinu pokazuju značajnim prediktorima akademskog uspjeha (GPA), zadovoljstva s GPA i GPA u različitim područjima u uvjetima nastave na daljinu kao kriterija. Rezultati pokazuju da sudionici istraživanja imaju uglavnom prosječan GPA kako općenito tako i po područjima te su zadovoljni s njim. U nastavi na daljinu najviše koriste Merlin i Moodle, internet kao dodatni izvor nastavnog gradiva, prate predavanja putem videokonferencija i linkova, ali se većina njih vraća na praksu u školu. Provode između četiri i šest sati u nastavi na daljinu, a po područjima nešto manje. Imaju prosječno negativan stav o nastavi na daljinu. Visoko procjenjuju korištenje adaptivnih motivacijskih strategija za poticanje procesa učenja, a nisko korištenje maladaptivnih strategija. Visoko koriste adaptivne (meta)kognitivne strategije učenja, a maladaptivne nisko. Ponajviše traže emocionalnu i instrumentalnu podršku od prijatelja. Multivarijantnom analizom podataka uspješno je objašnjeno 38 % varijance kriterija akademskog uspjeha te što sudionici više koriste Postavljanje ciljeva, a manje Upravljaju radom, vremenom i okolinom, te su manje Usmjereni na minimalne zahtjeve, GPA im je veći. Zadovoljstvo s GPA objašnjeno je s 10 % varijance kriterija, te što sudionici istraživanja više koriste Reguliranje truda više su zadovoljni s GPA. GPA u humanističkom području uspješno je objašnjen sa 17 % varijance kriterija, a što je razina studija viša te Traženje podrške od prijatelja više, GPA je viši. GPA u društvenom području uspješno je objašnjen s 25 % varijance kriterija te što su sudionici više zadovoljni s GPA, što imaju više Opće uvjerenje o kontroli, što im nastavnici manje zadaju upute za rad s udžbenikom i zadatke, GPA im je veći. GPA u prirodoslovnom području uspješno je objašnjen s 23 % varijance kriterija, a što sudionici manje koriste strategiju Samohendikepiranja te imaju veće Uvjerenje o nepromjenjivosti kognitivnih sposobnosti GPA je veći. GPA u umjetničkom području uspješno je objašnjen s 19 % varijance kriterija, a što je veće kritičko mišljenje veći je GPA. GPA u tekničkom području uspješno je objašnjen s 21 % varijance kriterija, a što je vrijeme provedeno u nastavi na daljinu dulje GPA je veći. Nastava na daljinu predstavlja suvremeni odgojno-obrazovni kontekst koji mijenja i samoregulaciju učenja stoga je potrebno dalje istraživati ove nove kontekstulane promjene i njihov utjecaj na sve relevantne čimbenike odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Self-regulation of learning refers to the ability to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that make learning more successful. In the theoretical part of this paper, definitions of self-regulation of learning, learning strategies and contextual factors influencing the learning process are explained, models and areas of self-regulation are listed, as well as the current form of distance learning and experiences related to such a form of teaching. In the empirical part, 131 students of several teacher training programs in the Republic of Croatia were examined using several standardized questionnaires: Scale of attitudes about distance learning, Scale of components of self-regulated learning, Scale of seeking social support, Scale of motivational strategies, General belief about the possibility of control, Student answers about ways of distance learning in different areas and time spent in distance learning as well as Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire. The main goal of the research was to examine the experiences of self-regulation of learning in different areas of distance learning among teacher studies students. Also, the goal was to examine which components of self-regulation of learning, methods and time spent in distance learning and attitude towards distance learning are significant predictors of academic success (GPA), satisfaction with GPA and GPA in different areas in conditions of distance learning as a criteria. The results show that the research participants have mostly average GPA, both in general and by field, and are satisfied with it. In distance learning, they mostly use Merlin and Moodle, the Internet as an additional source of teaching material, they follow lectures via video conferences and links, but most of them return to practice at school. They spend between four and six hours in distance learning, and slightly less in different areas. They have an average negative attitude towards distance education. They rate the use of adaptive motivational strategies to encourage the learning process highly, and the use of maladaptive strategies low. They use adaptive (meta)cognitive learning strategies highly, and maladaptive ones low. They mostly look for emotional and instrumental support from friends. Multivariate data analysis successfully explained 38% of the variance of academic success criteria, and the more participants use Goal Setting, the less they manage work, time and the environment, and the less they focus on minimum requirements, the higher their GPA. Satisfaction with GPA was explained with 10% of the variance of the criterion, and the more the research participants used Effort Regulation, the more satisfied they were with GPA. GPA in the humanities field was successfully explained with 17% of the variance of the criteria, and the higher the level of study and the more Seeking support from friends, the higher the GPA. GPA in the social field was successfully explained with 25% of the variance of the criteria, and the more participants are satisfied with GPA, the more they have General beliefs about control, the less teachers give them instructions for working with the textbook and assignments, the higher their GPA is. The GPA in the science field was successfully explained with 23% of the variance of the criteria, and the less participants use the Self-handicapping strategy and have a higher belief about the immutability of cognitive abilities, the higher the GPA. The GPA in the art field was successfully explained with 19% of the criterion variance, and the higher the critical thinking, the higher the GPA. GPA in the technical field was successfully explained with 21% of the criterion variance, and the longer the time spent in distance learning, the higher the GPA. Distance learning represents a modern educational context that changes the self-regulation of learning, so it is necessary to further investigate these new contextual changes and their impact on all relevant factors of the educational process.