Rad se usredotočuje na pristup društvu potrošnje francuskoga kulturnog teoretičara Jeana Baudrillarda i slovenskog filozofa Slavoja Žižeka. Oba su autora pod jakim utjecajem diskursa marksizma, strukturalizma, semiotike, psihoanalize (Žižek) i sociologije (Baudrillard). Članak se dotiče i manje poznatog aspekta misli Jeana Baudrillarda, koji od sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća polako napušta diskurse marksizma i strukturalizma te se okreće poststrukturalizmu, no koji unatoč tomu zadržava trajnu preokupaciju određenim fenomenima suvremenoga Zapadnog društva. Dok se inače rad dvaju teoretičara u literaturi ne dovodi često u izravnu vezu, autor u radu namjerava promisliti upravo dijelove u kojima se donekle preklapaju diskursi (strukturalizam, psihoanaliza, postmarksizam) i interesi dvaju teoretičara. Upravo je teorijska veza između (ranog) Baudrillarda i Žižeka u ovom radu prikazana kroz raskid »ranoga« s »kasnim« kapitalizmom te ostalim fenomenima suvremenih društava u neposrednom odnosu naspram te transformacije (sustav društvenih vrijednosti, politike, poretka, medija itd.). Potrošačko se društvo istodobno promatra i kao oblik uspostavljanja društvenog koda vrijednosti, kao sustav znakova i društvene diferencijacije, kao oblik društvene kontrole. U svojevrsnoj se dijalektici tako poredak zapadnoga kasnog kapitalizma podjednako očituje u ekscesu roba i potencijalnih užitaka, kao i u različitim anomijama koje identificiraju oba teoretičara (porast iracionalnog nasilja, rasizma itd.)., This work focuses on the importance of the approach to consumer society by a French cultural theorist, Jean Baudrillard, and a Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. Both authors are under the strong influence of the Marxist, structuralist, semiotic, psychoanalytic (Žižek) and sociological (Baudrillard) discourse. The text attempts to approach some of the lesser known aspects of Jean Baudrillard’s thought; from the 1970s, he has moved slowly away from the discourses of Marxism and structuralism towards post-structuralism, but nonetheless is still preoccupied with the same phenomena characteristic of contemporary Western societies. Contrary to the prevailing opinion, this text attempts to draw obvious similarities between the (early) work of Baudrillard and Žižek, especially in the areas of the overlapping discourses (those of structuralism, psychoanalysis and post-Marxism) and interests of the two theoreticians. The relation between the authors is indicated regarding the shift from the “early” to “late” stage of capitalism, and the related phenomena of contemporary societies (value system, politics, order, media etc.). Consumer society is thus regarded as an attempt at establishing a social code of values, as a sign system, as a social differentiation system, and as a form of social control. Therefore, in certain dialectics, the society of late capitalism equally reflects in the abundant quantity of commodity and possible enjoyment relations, as in various anomies, identified by both authors (global increase in irrational violent behaviour, racism, etc.).