1. Double Left Renal Artery (arteria renalis sinistra duplex) in a Dog
- Author
Rodman, Laura, Prgomet, Petra, Korpes, Kim, Kolenc, Magdalena, Trbojević Vukičević, Tajana, and Đuras, Martina
- Subjects
pas ,bubreg ,anatomske varijacije ,dvostruka bubrežna arterija ,pas, bubreg, anatomske varijacije, dvostruka bubrežna arterija ,dog ,kidney ,anatomical variations ,double renal artery - Abstract
Varijacije u građi, položaju, vaskularizaciji i inervaciji organa, koje ne utječu na njegovu funkciju, zovu se anatomske varijacije. Nalaz anatomskih varijacija bubrežnih arterija u ljudi i različitih vrsta životinja vrlo je čest. U okviru vježbi iz predmeta Anatomija s organogenezom domaćih životinja II, anatomskom sekcijom psa pasmine mops utvrđena je dvostruka lijeva bubrežna arterija (arteria renalis sinistra duplex). Kranijalna lijeva bubrežna arterija podijelila se na dva ogranka prije ulaza u bubrežni hilus, dok je kaudalna ostala nepodijeljena. Desna bubrežna arterija bila je jednostruka te se, također, podijelila na dva ogranka prije ulaza u hilus. Ova anatomska varijacija vjerojatno nije uzrokovala zdravstvene probleme i može se smatrati slučajnim nalazom., Anatomical variations are discrepancies in the structure, position, vascularisation and innervation of an organ that do not affect its function. Variations of renal arteries are frequently found in humans and animals. During the dissection of a dog, as a part of the course: Anatomy with organogenesis of domestic animals II, we found a double left renal artery (arteria renalis sinistra duplex). Before entering the renal hilus, the cranial left renal artery was divided into two branches. The caudal left renal artery remained undivided. A single right renal artery was divided into two branches before entering the right kidney. The anatomical variation described probably did not cause any health disorders and can be considered a incidental finding.
- Published
- 2021