Najčešće kožne bolesti djece mlađe školske dobi su psorijaza i atopijski dermatitis. Psorijaza je kronična upalna bolest koja se manifestira kako po izgledu tako i po intenzitetu, a karakteriziraju je crvenkaste perutave površine kože obilno pokrivene ljuskicama (Petrovski, 2004: 9). Atopijski dermatitis česta je upalna nezarazna bolest kože kronično-recidivirajućeg tijeka obilježena pojavom svrbeža i egzema koja se može pojaviti u svakoj životnoj dobi, no u većini slučajeva pojavljuje se u ranome djetinjstvu (Čulav Košćak, 2019: 1). U ovom su radu prikazana ove dvije kronične bolesti, njihovi simptomi, uzroci, oblici i liječenje. Također, u radu su ukratko prikazani problemi koje mogu imati učenici oboljeli od ovih bolesti. The most common skin diseases of younger school-aged children are psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Psoriasis is chronic inflammatory disease which manifests itself not only in appearance but also in intensity, characterized by reddish dandruffy surfaces of skin abundantly covered with scales (Petrovski, 2004: 9). Atopic dermatitis is common inflammatory non-contagious skin disease of the chronic reccurent course, marked by the appearance of itching and eczema, which can appear at any life stage, although in most cases, it occurs in early childhood (Ćulav Košćak, 2019: 1). This paper presents these two chronic diseases, their symptoms, features and treatment. Also, the paper briefly presents the problems that students with these diseases may have.