1. Lokalno ekološko znanje i vremenske varijacije ribarstva na području Velebitskog kanala
- Author
Pera, Josipa, Petani, Bruna, and Mustać, Bosiljka
- Subjects
ribarstvo ,ekološko znanje o ribarstvu ,ribolovni alati ,FLEK ,BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Poljoprivreda (agronomija) ,local ecological knowledge ,Velebit channel ,Velebitski kanal ,fishing ,BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Agronomy ,fishing gear - Abstract
Od pamtivijeka pa sve do današnjeg suvremenog doba ribarstvo ima značajnu ulogu u prehrani ljudskog roda. Usporedno s povećanjem populacije kao i napretkom te modernizacijom tehnologije mijenjalo se i samo ribarstvo. Ribarima pripada ključna uloga kada se govori o dobavljanju morskih plodova i shodno tomu svojim iskustvom bitna su stavka u prikupljanju podataka o ribama i ostatku morskih organizama zbog čega je od nedavno ušao u upotrebu izraz FLEK (Fisheries local ecological knowledge). Ovim završnim radom ispitalo se 20 ribara o njihovoj primjeni različitih ribolovnih alata, o prisutnosti različitih vrsta riba te ostalim morskim organizmima na području Velebitskog kanala, obuhvaćajući naselje Tribanj, koji teritorijalno pripada općini Starigrad i općinu Karlobag tj. ribolovnu zonu E odnosno podzonu E3. Svrha ovog rada bila je prikupiti što više podataka koji bi u budućnosti mogli biti od koristi u daljnjem održivom uspostavljanju ribarstva na spomenutom području. Ispitivanje je provedeno uz pomoć anketa. Najveći broj ispitanika tog područja, njih 95% pripada malom obalnom ribolovu. U konačnim rezultatima istraživanja pokazalo se postepeno smanjivanje ukupnog ulova ribe od 1980-ih do danas unatoč značajnom napretku ribolovne tehnike. Isto tako, rezultati su pokazali da je ribarima što se tiče troškova vezanih za ribolov onaj najveći predstavljalo gorivo. Finalno, ribari su iznijeli svoja osobna stajališta i većina ispitanika predložila je akcije i regulacije koje su po njima potrebne za provedbu uspostave što održivijeg ribolova, ali i omogućavanje izdavanja dozvola za ribolov samo žiteljima tog područja. From ancient times to the present day, fisheries has played a significant role in the nutrition of mankind. Along with the increase in human population as well as the progress and modernization of technology, fisheries itself has changed. Fishermen have a key role to play when it comes to the supply of seafood, and therefore their experience is an important part of collecting data on fish and other marine organisms, which is why the term FLEK (Fisheries local ecological knowledge) has recently come into use. This paper surveyed 20 fishermen on their use of different fishing gear, on the different species of fish and other marine organisms in the Velebit channel, including the settlement of Tribanj, which territorially belong to the municipality of Starigrad and the municipality of Karlobag, which belongs to fishing zone E and respectively sub-zone E3. The purpose of this paper was to collect as much data as possible that could be useful in the future and further establishment of sustainable fisheries in the area. This research was conducted with in the survey. The largest number of fishermans in the area, 95% of them belong to small-scale coastal fishing. The final results of the research showed a gradual decrease in total fish catches from the 1980s to the present despite significant advances in fishing techniques. Also, the results showed that the fuel was the main cost for their activities. Finally, the fishermen presented their personal views and most respondents suggested the actions and regulations that they believe are needed in order to implement sustainable fishing. They also believe that fishing permits should be issued only to the residents of the area.
- Published
- 2022