1. Influence of extruder temperature on mass and dimensions of 3D printed gluten free cereal snacks
- Author
Pleš, Vedrana and Voučko, Bojana
- Subjects
bezglutenski ,extrusion temperature ,temperatura ekstrudera ,gluten free ,3D tisak ,deformation ,deformacija ,BIOTEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Prehrambena tehnologija ,3D printing ,BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES. Food Technology ,snack proizvod ,snacks - Abstract
Trodimenzijski (3D) tisak hrane je tehnologija u nastajanju koja omogućuje razvoj personaliziranih oblika hrane, ali je za uspješan tisak potrebno odabrati odgovarajuće uvjete procesa. Stoga je cilj ovog rada istraţiti utjecaj temperature ekstrudera na kvalitetu 3D tiskanih snack proizvoda od ţitarica. Proveden je tisak tijesta pri ĉetiri razliĉite temperature ekstrudera: 26, 30, 55, 80 °C. OdreĊivanjem mase, visine, širine i debljine tiskanog oblika prije i nakon peĉenja, istraţena je preciznost tiska 3D proizvoda, gubitak mase peĉenjem te deformacije oblika. Rezultati istraţivanja su pokazali da tisak pri temperaturi od 80 °C nije moguć zbog promjene viskoznosti smjese. Proizvodi tiskani pri 26 °C su vizualno odstupali u preciznosti od onih tiskanih pri 30 i 55 °C. Zakljuĉno, temperatura tiska pri 55 °C pokazala se poţeljnom radi povoljnog utjecaja na smanjenje gubitka vode za oko 5 % i smanjenje deformacija tiskanog oblika. Three-dimensional food printing is an innovative technology that offers the ability to produce person-alized food shapes and composition. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of extrusion temperature on the quality of 3D printed cereal snacks. 3D printing was performed at four different temperatures: 26, 30, 55 and 80 °C. By measuring shape height, width and thickenss, printing preci-sion, baking loss and deformations of 3D printed shapes were investigated. Research results showed that extruder temperature affects the quality of snack products. Printing at 80 °C was not possible due to a change in viscosity of the mixture. Snack products printed at 26 °C were visually inferior to the ones printed at 30 and 55 °C. Further on, somewhat higher quality of print was achieved at 55 °C due to smaller deformations of the printed sample and 5% lesser baking loss.
- Published
- 2022