U radu je prikazana i analizirana matrikula bratovštine zlatara u Zadru iz 15. stoljeća, odnosno njen prijepis iz 17. stoljeća. Taj se spis čuva u Arhivu Zadarske nadbiskupije. Na temelju sadržaja matrikule i pripadajućih isprava državnih vlasti Mletačke Republike pojašnjava se suodnos političkih odredaba i kapitula obrtničke bratovštine zlatara, što umnogome pridonosi boljem historiografskom razumijevanju općeg odnosa Mletačke Republike prema obrtničkim bratovštinama u Dalmaciji, a napose u Zadru. Na kraju rada se donosi prijepis temeljnih kapitula bratovštine zlatara u Zadru prema prijepisu izvornika matrikule iz 15. stoljeća., Article presents the matricula of the Confraternity of Goldsmiths in Zadar from the Fifteenth Century, that is its seventeenth-century copy now kept in the Archive of the Archdiocese of Zadar. Based on the documents copied in the matricula and their comparison with hitherto published results of the research on goldsmith’s trade and the confraternity of Goldsmiths of Zadar proves that the goldsmiths’ confraternity is the oldest confraternity in Zadar and that its foundation is dated in 1176. Based on the analysis and synthesis of discussed documents, its historical development in the period from the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth century, social and political circumstances influencing that development and opportunities/troubles the confraternity has been facing in the period under discussion are presented. Like other artisan confraternities in Zadar, the operation of the goldsmiths’ confraternity was defined by the legislation of the Republic of Venice, religious obligations towards the confraternity’s altar in the church of St Simon and by the protection of its own economic interests. Besides that, the corporative character of the confraternity was often threatened by disrespect for its statute and by dishonest administration of its financial means, what was regulated by main chapters of the matricula. At the end of the article, the full text of the matricula is given in the faithful transcription of the Italian original.