1. Odnos knezova Bribirskih i grada Šibenika do 1322. godine
- Author
Baljkas, Krešimir and Dokoza, Serđo
- Subjects
Knezovi Bribirski ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,plemićki rod ,Hrvatsko Kraljevstvo ,Dalmatia ,comunes ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,Šubići ,gradovi ,noble kindred ,Dalmacija ,komune ,Counts of Bribir ,cities ,Middle Ages ,Kingdom of Croatia ,srednji vijek ,Šibenik - Abstract
U radu se nastoji prikazati odnos knezova Bribirskih od roda Šubića i grada Šibenika. Dajući prvo podlogu upoznavanjem podrijetla knezova Bribirskih i postanka grada Šibenika, rad korištenjem literature i nekolicine izvora prikazuje postanak, razvoj i u konaĉnici kraj odnosa ovih dvaju faktora, nastojeći pritom uoĉiti i istaknuti specifiĉnosti koje ga dijele od sliĉnih pojava na istoĉnoj obali Jadrana. Unutar rada posebna je paţnja posvećena nastojanju identifikacije i analize potencijalnih interesa koji su pripadnike roda Šubića privukli i nagnali na iniciranje ovog odnosa. Oslanjajući se na prethodna promišljanja, rad takoĊer prikazuje najvaţniji doprinos knezova Bribirskih razvoju Šibenika – uspostavu biskupije i postizanje civiteta. Završna razmatranja posvećena su kraju suţivota dvaju ĉimbenika i analizi uloge koju je Šibenik odigrao u padu knezova Bribirskih. The topic of discussion in this paper is the relation between the counts of Bribir and the city of Šibenik. By giving the reader the basic fundamentals about both the origins of counts of Bribir and the city Šibenik, this paper strives to give an overview of the beginning of this relation, its evolution and in the end its termination, using the relevant literature and number of sources and in the same time trying to point out particularities that distinguish it from similar occurrences on the east coast of the Adriatic. Special care is afforded to the identification and the analysis of the potential interests which attracted the members of the Šubić kindred and encourage them to initiate this relationship. By developing the aforementioned considerations, this paper also presents the most important contribution that counts of Bribir gave to the growth of Šibenik – the establishment of bishopric and the attainment of the city status. Closing considerations are dedicated to the end of the relationship between the two factors and to the analysis of the part that Šibenik played in the downfall of the counts of Bribir.
- Published
- 2017