1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome in burned patients
- Author
B. Wilhelm, I. Šnur, B. Gustinčić, and I. Komanov
- Abstract
Iznesen je opći prikaz respiratornog distres sindroma odraslih (ARDS) s naročitim obzirom na patofiziologiju, kliniku i terapiju. U kazuistici jedne godine (1983) od 152 bolesnika s kombustijama umrlo je 19, u tri od tih 19 uzrok smrti je bio respiratorni distres sindrom odraslih. I među preživjelima su bila tri bolesnika u kojih je rano uočen taj sindrom pa se može pretpostaviti da su prikladnom terapijom izliječeni., The adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in burned patients is described with special reference to pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of the disease. Of 152 patients with burns, who were hospitalized in 1983, 19 deaths occurred. In three patients death was due to ARDS. Among the patients that survived there were three in whom the syndrome had been observed at an early stage. It is assumed accordingly that the recovery in these patients was due to an appropriate therapy.
- Published
- 1985