Millimeter-wave space-borne antennas with multi-band and multi-polarization have many advances such as high gain, low side-lobe, high beam efficiency and low loss. The operating frequency of the antenna includes 18.7, 23.8 and 37.0GHz. The use of common feed system has significance for saving volume and enhancing structure stiffness. And the ring-loaded corrugated conical horn can cover octave bandwidth. The orthomode transducer(OMT) with new turnstile junction and frequency divider was employed to separate dual polarizations signals and then divide different frequencies into their own receivers, respectively. The cross polarization levels are -32.6, -31.6 and -25.0dB in 18.7, 23.8 and 37.0GHz, respectively. The side lobe levels are -21, -30 and -30dB. Due to compact structure and multiple observations for one target, the simulation result demonstrates the design of feed system is suitable to space-borne antennas. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]