In order to investigate the effects of NaCl on the physicochemical and gel properties of myofibrillar protein (PeMP) from the body wall of Phascolosoma esculenta Chen et. Yeh, the determination and observation results of solubility of total PeMP, solubility of different types of proteins from PeMP, ultraviolet absorption spectrum, endogenous fluorescence spectrum, Zeta potential, Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), sulfhydryl group contents, surface hydrophobicity, denaturation temperature and gel structure were analyzed. The results showed that the solubility of PeMP increased, the contents of paramyosin and myosin increased significantly, with the increase of NaCl concentration. The maximum absorption wavelength (AJ of the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of PeMP, of the corresponding second derivative spectrum of ultraviolet absorption spectrum of PeMP and of the endogenous fluorescence spectrum of PeMP was redshifted, respectively. The Zeta potential of PeMP increased. FTIR analysis showed that the secondary structure of PeMP changed, the β-sheet increased, while the α-helix decreased gradually. The contents of total and non-protein sulfhydryl groups decreased in PeMP, but the contents of typing sulfhydryl group increased, and the surface hydropho-bicity of PeMP increased. The denaturation temperature of PeMP decreased. Protein molecules of PeMP gel were more tightly packed. These results will lay a foundation for the improvement of the gel of body wall from P. esculenta and the preparation of high-quality 'earth bamboo shoot jelly' products. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]