Silk is mainly composed of silk fibroin and sericin, and to facilitate subsequent dyeing and processing, sericin needs to be removed through a refining process. The commonly used refining method is the continuous barrel alkali refining method, which means that after completing a refining in a barrel, further refining is needed by adding alkali and refining agent. Initial refining is an important process for refining and degumming, with a degumming rate generally between 20% and 25%. To save materials and improve efficiency, factories usually use the flipping barrel process for processing. That is, the new barrel is first used as a re-refining barrel, and then as a preliminary refining barrel and a soaking barrel. As the sericin falls off, the concentration of sericin in the refining barrel will increase. After 4-6 consecutive rounds of initial refining in the barrel, due to the high concentration of sericin, the degumming rate will significantly decrease, which cannot meet the quality requirements. Therefore, the waste liquid needs to be discharged and the barrel needs to be replaced. At present, some methods for measuring the degumming rate of silk take too long, and some have low accuracy, resulting in unsatisfactory results. The refractive index, as one of the important physical constant of substances, is often used to determine the concentration of substances. In this paper, we intend to use this method to quickly determine the degumming rate and the number of consecutive barrels.Using a digital refractometer to measure the refractive index of silk scouring solution and its main components, we established two linear regression models for sericin, soda ash, scouring agent, and refractive index. The linear regression model for sericin was Y=0.116 6x-0.002 7, and the linear regression model for sericin mixture was Y=0.117x1+0.123x2+0.029x3-0.13. In actual processing, the proportion of various components in silk scouring solution cannot be accurately calculated. To choose a suitable linear model, we made two assumptions. Assumption 1: soda ash and scouring agent have no significant impact on the refractive index, and only the concentration of sericin needs to be considered, and a one-dimensional linear model is applicable; assumption 2: sodium carbonate and scouring agent have a significant impact on the refractive index. In addition to the concentration of sericin, the concentration of sodium carbonate and scouring agent also needs to be considered, and a multivariate linear model is applicable. We simultaneously measured the refractive index of sericin solution at (25±2) ℃, (30±2) ℃, and (40±2) ℃, and investigated the effect of temperature on the refractive index. We conducted degumming experiments in scouring solutions with different refractive indices to further explore the relationship between the refractive index of the scouring solution and the degumming rate of silk. The experimental results show that the refractive index deviation of the sericin linear regression model is small, the calculation is simple, and it can more conveniently reflect the changes in sericin concentration and the refractive index of silk scouring solution. As the solution temperature increases, the refractive index decreases, and the linear fitting is poor at high temperatures. The optimal testing temperature is (25±2) ℃. When the refractive index of the refining solution in consecutive barrels exceeds 5.0, the degumming rate significantly decreases, and a new barrel needs to be replaced. This refractive index method is simple and convenient, and can guide the emission frequency of refining barrels in production, saving energy and reducing emissions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]