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1. 職災勞工解僱相關爭議一 臺灣高等法院109年度勞上字 第12號民事判決評析.

2. 大學人事與薪資管理制度改革之研究 ─以日本國立大學法人為例.

3. 日本高等教育「數理、數據科學與AI教育課程 認證制度」之背景、現狀與啟示.

4. 專利權的排除侵害請求權 ──以日本法之發展為中心.

5. 日本裁判員制度下關於精神鑑定之 現狀與課題─從近年的一則最高法院判決說起.

6. On Cultural Impact and Stylistic Changes of Art: The Taiwanese Painters Dwelling in China during the Japanese Occupation Time.

7. A Comparative Study of Social Stratification in East Asian Societies: The reward differences between occupation and social inequality.

8. Comparing Media Relations in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States: A Metaresearch Analysis.

9. 日本防災教育及其在社會教科書之設計 ――以東京書籍版本為例.

10. Types of Intergenerational Interaction in East Asian Families.

11. [Shen Shiwan : A translator for medicine in the Period of the Republic of China].

12. [Taiwan long-term care insurance and the evolution of long-term care in Japan].

13. [Integrated care systems].