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1. 传统乡约的现代性转换:杨开道 的乡约—自治思想研究.

2. 海峽兩岸特殊教育的演進、特色與展望.

3. 土氣、洋氣還是接地氣? 重新「觀看」時尚伸展臺上的民族服裝 與族群服飾

4. 实景三维中国建设的基本定位与技术路径.

5. Staying Tightly with Cultural China: Half-mainlander Wan-chu Lee's Politics of Identification.

6. 實施翻轉教室對學習者 學習成效影響之統合分析: 臺灣與中國大陸樣本的分析與比較

7. 海峡两岸水产品兽药残留限量标准与国际标准比较及完善对策.

9. Stage Characteristics and Policy Choices of China's Outbound Tourism Development.

10. The Comparison between Collective Bargaining Agreements from the Taiwan Collective Bargaining Agreement Act and Collective Contract from the Mainland China Employment Contract Law.

11. On Cultural Impact and Stylistic Changes of Art: The Taiwanese Painters Dwelling in China during the Japanese Occupation Time.

12. Cross-Strait Relations, Taiwan's Political Ecology, and Chinese National Identity: Review of Mainland China's Policies towards Taiwan in the Past Twenty Years.


14. Sino-American Scholarly Relations As Seen From Taiwan, 1949-1979.

15. 兩岸國際教育發展與展望之比較研究.

16. Extreme dependence in Chinese stock markets based on regime-switching mixed Copula.

17. Interactions between Tourism Development and Political Relations across Taiwan Straits.

18. Taiwan jin 20 nian de keji shi yanjiu: jindai Dong-Xi wenming de zaoyu yu chongzhuang quxiang.

19. Making a Living on the Move: Transnational Lives of Taiwanese Managers in the Shanghai Area.

20. On Translation and Regulation of Technical Terms among China Mainland, HK and Taiwan.

21. You "cang hai" ji xiangguan yixiang kan Qiu Fengjia neidu hou de xin jing yu mengxiang.

22. 校長領導形塑核心素養導向校園文化的思維與策略.

23. A Study on the Taiwan Experience and the China Model.

24. Types of Intergenerational Interaction in East Asian Families.

25. [The importance, development situation, and trend of population studies].

27. [A comparative study on fertility transitions in China and Taiwan in historical perspective].

28. [Trends of phase-specific life expectancy in postwar Taiwan].

31. [Shen Shiwan : A translator for medicine in the Period of the Republic of China].

32. [Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of The Journal of Nursing].

33. [Textual research on the birthplace of Chen Xunzhai, a doctor of the Republic of China].

34. [A restricted view on the identification of litigation cases of traditional Chinese medicine in the Republic of China: a case study of Yan Yulin].

35. [Foreign members and their researches on Chinese medical history in early Chinese Society of Medical History].

36. [Exploration on Zhongguo Zhenjiuxue ( Chinese Acupuncture-Moxibustion Science ) in the Republic of China].

37. [Outline of Song's works on the gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine].

38. [Health networks for new immigrants in taiwan].

39. [A comparative study on aging between Taipei City and Taiwan's rural areas].

40. [The effects of fertility compression on birth sequence and age composition in Taiwan: a simulation].

41. [Dependency structure of the elderly: an examination of women's social position in Taiwan].

42. [[Demographic foundations of elderly living arrangements: a simulation study of intergenerational coresidence]].

43. [Active life expectancy in Taiwan: compression or expansion?].

44. [[Reexamining the model of population density function: a study of Kaohsiung metropolis]].

45. [[ARIMA modeling of birth, marriage and population growth rates in Taiwan]].

46. [A dental anthropological study of Chinese in Taiwan. I). Craniofacial morphology].

47. [Sex preference in Taiwan--an exploratory study].