
Showing total 14 results
14 results

Search Results

1. [The importance, development situation, and trend of population studies].

3. [A comparative study on fertility transitions in China and Taiwan in historical perspective].

4. [Trends of phase-specific life expectancy in postwar Taiwan].

7. [A comparative study on aging between Taipei City and Taiwan's rural areas].

8. [The effects of fertility compression on birth sequence and age composition in Taiwan: a simulation].

9. [Dependency structure of the elderly: an examination of women's social position in Taiwan].

10. [[Demographic foundations of elderly living arrangements: a simulation study of intergenerational coresidence]].

11. [Active life expectancy in Taiwan: compression or expansion?].

12. [[Reexamining the model of population density function: a study of Kaohsiung metropolis]].

13. [[ARIMA modeling of birth, marriage and population growth rates in Taiwan]].

14. [Sex preference in Taiwan--an exploratory study].