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1. 航天器3D打印金属材料可靠性评估方案设计.

2. 天基强银河背景下的空间碎片探测试验及分析.

3. 航天器变构型模块化可维修技术.

4. 航天器帆板温度受火星热流的影响分析.

5. 基于矩阵信号传输的航天器低频电缆网设计.

6. 空间物体椭圆轨道假设下碰撞通量计算与分析.

7. Entranspy Dissipation Analysis of Spacecraft Thermal Control Fluid Loop Layout with Multiple Radiators.

8. 航天器大功率并网制技术研允.

9. 三轴充液航天器建模及姿态稳定控制.

10. 航天器用超低黏度齿轮泵轻量化设计.

11. 航天器大型网状天线透光性遮挡的精确计算方法.

12. 航天器近距离交会的固定时间终端滑模控制.

13. 航天器热平衡温度预测的粒子群算法.

14. 航天器声振力学环境预示与验证.

15. 航天器单粒子防护薄弱点的识别.

16. 沸石分子筛对航天器分子污染物的吸附性能研究.

17. Novel Non-Singular Saturated Terminal Sliding Mode Based Attitude Controller for Spacecraft.

18. A Method for Accurately Calculating the Shadow of Solar Array Shaded by Spacecraft Itself.

19. A New In-Plane Maneuver Detection Method for Incomplete Orbit Information of LEO Spacecraft.

20. LEO Spacecraft Orbit Anomaly Detection Based on Prediction Dispersion.

21. Effects of Thickness and Number of Heat-Insulation Glass Layer on Temperature Distributions of Multi-Layer Optical Windows in Outer Space.

22. Review and Assessment of Spacecraft Mechanical Environment Analysis and Specification Determination.