UAMBN is one of exam which held by the ministry of religion for all students in grades 3 MTS and MA. This exam is one of the requirements that must be met students before they graduate. This test also aims to determine the quality of a madrasah, madrasah whether it has a good quality or bad quality. Therefore UAMBN exam has a very important role to improve the quality of learning and education in madrasah. Because this test as a benchmark to determine the success in learning Arabic after knowing the value of the students in the exam, then the exam should have a matter of good quality. Therefore in this study the researchers wanted to analyze further the quality level items owned by UAMBN. And The result of this study is UAMBN 2015 have quality content validity was good, and the quality of the items that are less good, and the quality of reliability items were good, and the quality of power difficulties were medium, and quality of distinguishing power were good, and the quality of deception power less well.Keywords: Item Evaluation, language test, UAMBN