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1. Quantifying and Classifying Streamflow Ensembles Using a Broad Range of Metrics for an Evidence‐Based Analysis: Colorado River Case Study.

2. Sensitivity‐Based Soil Moisture Assimilation for Improved Streamflow Forecast Using a Novel Forward Sensitivity Method (FSM) Approach.

3. Synthetic Simulation of Spatially‐Correlated Streamflows: Weighted‐Modified Fractional Gaussian Noise.

4. Tradeoffs Between Temporal and Spatial Pattern Calibration and Their Impacts on Robustness and Transferability of Hydrologic Model Parameters to Ungauged Basins.

5. A Coupled River Basin‐Urban Hydrological Model (DRIVE‐Urban) for Real‐Time Urban Flood Modeling.

6. Secondary Flow and Flow Redistribution in Two Sharp Bends on the Middle Yangtze River.

7. Many Commonly Used Rainfall‐Runoff Models Lack Long, Slow Dynamics: Implications for Runoff Projections.

8. Synchronization and Delay Between Circulation Patterns and High Streamflow Events in Germany.

9. Rainfall Thresholds for Flow Generation in Desert Ephemeral Streams.

10. Hydrological Interpretation of a Statistical Measure of Basin Complexity.

11. On the structural limitations of recursive digital filters for base flow estimation.

12. From spatially variable streamflow to distributed hydrological models: Analysis of key modeling decisions.

13. Hydrological response to changing climate conditions: Spatial streamflow variability in the boreal region.

14. Linking water age and solute dynamics in streamflow at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA.

15. Thermodynamics in the hydrologic response: Travel time formulation and application to Alpine catchments.

16. One‐Parameter Analytical Derivation in Modified Budyko Framework for Unsteady‐State Streamflow Elasticity in Humid Catchments.

17. Prolonged Drought in a Northern California Coastal Region Suppresses Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology.

18. The Music of Rivers: The Mathematics of Waves Reveals Global Structure and Drivers of Streamflow Regime.

19. The Role of Weather System Changes and Catchment Characteristics in the Rainfall‐Runoff Relationship Shift in Victoria, Australia.

20. Multi‐Year Controls on Groundwater Storage in Seasonally Snow‐Covered Headwater Catchments.

21. National‐Scale Detection of Reservoir Impacts Through Hydrological Signatures.

22. Streamflow Prediction in Poorly Gauged Watersheds in the United States Through Data‐Driven Sparse Sensing.

23. Higher Frozen Soil Permeability Represented in a Hydrological Model Improves Spring Streamflow Prediction From River Basin to Continental Scales.

24. Bushfire‐Induced Water Balance Changes Detected by a Modified Paired Catchment Method.

25. Where and When Does Streamflow Regulation Significantly Affect Climate Change Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin?

26. Divergent Hydrological Responses to Forest Expansion in Dry and Wet Basins of China: Implications for Future Afforestation Planning.

27. Critical Zone Response Times and Water Age Relationships Under Variable Catchment Wetness States: Insights Using a Tracer‐Aided Ecohydrological Model.

28. Streamflow Response to Wildfire Differs With Season and Elevation in Adjacent Headwaters of the Lower Colorado River Basin.

29. Unprecedented High Northern Australian Streamflow Linked to an Intensification of the Indo‐Australian Monsoon.

30. Bayesian Model Calibration Using Surrogate Streamflow in Ungauged Catchments.

31. A Method for Assessment of Sub‐Daily Flow Alterations Using Wavelet Analysis for Regulated Rivers.

32. Explore Spatio‐Temporal Learning of Large Sample Hydrology Using Graph Neural Networks.

33. A Hydrologic Functional Approach for Improving Large‐Sample Hydrology Performance in Poorly Gauged Regions.

34. Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture Products for River Flow Prediction: An Extensive Experiment in Over 700 Catchments Throughout Europe.

35. Signatures of Hydrologic Function Across the Critical Zone Observatory Network.

36. Including Regional Knowledge Improves Baseflow Signature Predictions in Large Sample Hydrology.

37. The Stream Length Duration Curve: A Tool for Characterizing the Time Variability of the Flowing Stream Length.

38. NAC2H: The North American Climate Change and Hydroclimatology Data Set.

39. Streamflow Recession Analysis Using Water Height.

40. What Are the Key Drivers Controlling the Quality of Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts?

41. A Multicentury Perspective on the Relative Influence of Seasonal Precipitation on Streamflow in the Missouri River Headwaters.

42. Riparian Lowlands in Clay Till Landscapes: Part I—Heterogeneity of Flow Paths and Water Balances.

43. Subannual Streamflow Responses to Rainfall and Snowmelt Inputs in Snow‐Dominated Watersheds of the Western United States.

44. Advances in Quantifying Streamflow Variability Across Continental Scales: 2. Improved Model Regionalization and Prediction Uncertainties Using Hierarchical Bayesian Methods.

45. Advances in Quantifying Streamflow Variability Across Continental Scales: 1. Identifying Natural and Anthropogenic Controlling Factors in the USA Using a Spatially Explicit Modeling Method.

46. Copula Theory as a Generalized Framework for Flow‐Duration Curve Based Streamflow Estimates in Ungaged and Partially Gaged Catchments.

47. Catchment Travel Times From Composite StorAge Selection Functions Representing the Superposition of Streamflow Generation Processes.

48. Multisite Daily Streamflow Simulation With Time Irreversibility.

49. In Quest of Calibration Density and Consistency in Hydrologic Modeling: Distributed Parameter Calibration against Streamflow Characteristics.

50. Monthly Streamflow Simulation for the Headwater Catchment of the Yellow River Basin With a Hybrid Statistical‐Dynamical Model.