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1. Quantifying and Classifying Streamflow Ensembles Using a Broad Range of Metrics for an Evidence‐Based Analysis: Colorado River Case Study.

2. Data Assimilation Informed Model Structure Improvement (DAISI) for Robust Prediction Under Climate Change: Application to 201 Catchments in Southeastern Australia.

3. A Framework for Estimating Global River Discharge From the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission.

4. Expanding the Scope and Foundation of Sociohydrology as the Science of Coupled Human‐Water Systems.

5. Estuarine Hypoxia—Identifying High Risk Catchments Now and Under Future Climate Scenarios.

6. Dynamic Adaptive Environmental Flows (DAE‐Flows) to Reconcile Long‐Term Ecosystem Demands With Hydropower Objectives.

7. Sensitivity‐Based Soil Moisture Assimilation for Improved Streamflow Forecast Using a Novel Forward Sensitivity Method (FSM) Approach.

8. A Novel Strategy for Automatic Selection of Cross‐Basin Data to Improve Local Machine Learning‐Based Runoff Models.

9. Spatial and Temporal Changes in Nutrient Source Contribution in a Lowland Catchment Within the Baltic Sea Region Under Climate Change Scenarios.

10. A Physics‐Aware Machine Learning‐Based Framework for Minimizing Prediction Uncertainty of Hydrological Models.

11. Restoring the Mesopotamian Rivers for Future Generations: A Practical Approach.

12. An Economic Model of Spatial and Temporal Water Trade in the Australian Southern Murray‐Darling Basin.

13. Scaling of Floods With Geomorphologic Characteristics and Precipitation Variability Across the Conterminous United States.

14. GRACEfully Closing the Water Balance: A Data‐Driven Probabilistic Approach Applied to River Basins in Iran.

15. Synthetic Simulation of Spatially‐Correlated Streamflows: Weighted‐Modified Fractional Gaussian Noise.

16. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Yield of "Dual‐Priority" Water Rights in Carryover Systems at Catchment Scale.

17. Tradeoffs Between Temporal and Spatial Pattern Calibration and Their Impacts on Robustness and Transferability of Hydrologic Model Parameters to Ungauged Basins.

18. A Coupled River Basin‐Urban Hydrological Model (DRIVE‐Urban) for Real‐Time Urban Flood Modeling.

19. Using Inverse Modeling and Dual Isotopes (δ15N and δ18O of NO3) to Determine Sources of Nitrogen Export From a Complex Land Use Catchment.

20. Watershed‐Geochemical Model to Simulate Dissolved and Particulate 137Cs Discharge From a Forested Catchment.

21. Sediment Supply Effects in Hydrology‐Sediment Modeling of an Alpine Basin.

22. Hydrologically Informed Machine Learning for Rainfall‐Runoff Modeling: A Genetic Programming‐Based Toolkit for Automatic Model Induction.

23. A Regularization Approach to Improve the Sequential Calibration of a Semidistributed Hydrological Model.

24. Large Scale Evaluation of Relationships Between Hydrologic Signatures and Processes.

25. A Catchment‐Based Hierarchical Spatial Tessellation Approach to a Better Representation of Land Heterogeneity for Hyper‐Resolution Land Surface Modeling.

26. Physical Interpretation of Time‐Varying StorAge Selection Functions in a Bench‐Scale Hillslope Experiment via Geophysical Imaging of Ages of Water.

27. Secondary Flow and Flow Redistribution in Two Sharp Bends on the Middle Yangtze River.

28. Unifying catchment water balance models for different time scales through the maximum entropy production principle.

29. Identifying Key Water Resource Vulnerabilities in Data‐Scarce Transboundary River Basins.

30. Horton Index: Conceptual Framework for Exploring Multi‐Scale Links Between Catchment Water Balance and Vegetation Dynamics.

31. Exploration and Visualization of Patterns Underlying Multistakeholder Preferences in Watershed Conservation Decisions Generated by an Interactive Genetic Algorithm.

32. Interactive genetic algorithm for user-centered design of distributed conservation practices in a watershed: An examination of user preferences in objective space and user behavior.

33. Catchments' hedging strategy on evapotranspiration for climatic variability.

34. Ensemble Projection of Runoff in a Large‐Scale Basin: Modeling With a Global BMA Approach.

35. On the Effectiveness of LID Infrastructures for the Attenuation of Urban Flooding at the Catchment Scale.

36. Many Commonly Used Rainfall‐Runoff Models Lack Long, Slow Dynamics: Implications for Runoff Projections.

37. Synchronization and Delay Between Circulation Patterns and High Streamflow Events in Germany.

38. Snow Water Equivalent Measurements in Remote Arctic Alaska Watersheds.

39. Combining regional estimation and historical floods: A multivariate semiparametric peaks-over-threshold model with censored data.

40. The stationarity paradigm revisited: Hypothesis testing using diagnostics, summary metrics, and DREAM(ABC).

41. A paleoclimate rainfall reconstruction in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), Australia: 2. Assessing hydroclimatic risk using paleoclimate records of wet and dry epochs.

42. Assessing Hydrograph Similarity and Rare Runoff Dynamics by Cross Recurrence Plots.

43. The Power of Environmental Observatories for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research, Outreach, and Decision Support: The Case of the Minnesota River Basin.

44. Physically based modeling in catchment hydrology at 50: Survey and outlook.

45. A model of the socio-hydrologic dynamics in a semiarid catchment: Isolating feedbacks in the coupled human-hydrology system.

46. Hyporheic zone hydrologic science: A historical account of its emergence and a prospectus.

47. Valuing recreational fishing quality at rivers and streams.

48. Rainfall Thresholds for Flow Generation in Desert Ephemeral Streams.

49. Incorporating Antecedent Moisture Conditions and Intraevent Variability of Rainfall on Flood Frequency Analysis in Poorly Gauged Basins.

50. Hydrological Interpretation of a Statistical Measure of Basin Complexity.