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1. Inroads of remote sensing into hydrologic science during the WRR era.

2. Controls on topographic dependence and temporal instability in catchment-scale soil moisture patterns.

3. Estimation of evaporation over the upper Blue Nile basin by combining observations from satellites and river flow gauges.

4. Persistence and memory timescales in root-zone soil moisture dynamics.

5. Under-canopy turbulence and root water uptake of a Tibetan meadow ecosystem modeled by Noah- MP.

6. Water resources of the Black Sea Basin at high spatial and temporal resolution.

7. Soil moisture and soil properties estimation in the Community Land Model with synthetic brightness temperature observations.

8. Preferential flow as a potential mechanism for fire-induced increase in streamflow.

9. Plant Hydraulics Improves Predictions of ET and GPP Responses to Drought.

10. Partitioning of Precipitation Into Terrestrial Water Balance Components Under a Drying Climate.

11. Evaluating the Effects of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration on Soil Moisture Variability Within CMIP5 Using SMAP and ERA5 Data.

12. Disentangling the Impact of Event‐ and Annual‐Scale Precipitation Extremes on Critical‐Zone Hydrology in Semiarid Loess Vegetated by Apple Trees.

13. Implementation of Dynamic Effective Rooting Depth in Evapotranspiration Model Deepens Understanding of Evapotranspiration Partitioning Under Soil Moisture Gradients in China.

14. Surface energy balance and actual évapotranspiration of the transboundary Indus Basin estimated from satellite measurements and the ETLook model.

15. Catchment mixing processes and travel time distributions.

16. Importance of Parameter and Climate Data Uncertainty for Future Changes in Boreal Hydrology.

17. Comparison of Nighttime With Daytime Evapotranspiration Responses to Environmental Controls Across Temporal Scales Along a Climate Gradient.

18. Partitioning of Historical Precipitation Into Evaporation and Runoff Based on Hydrologic Dynamics Identified With Recent SMAP Satellite Measurements.

19. Quantifying the Controls on Evapotranspiration Partitioning in the Highest Alpine Meadow Ecosystem.

20. Year‐Round Transpiration Dynamics Linked With Deep Soil Moisture in a Warm Desert Shrubland.

21. Mapped Hydroclimatology of Evapotranspiration and Drainage Runoff Using SMAP Brightness Temperature Observations and Precipitation Information.

22. Satellite and Station Observations Demonstrate Water Availability's Effect on Continental‐Scale Evaporative and Photosynthetic Land Surface Dynamics.

23. On the Sensitivity of the Precipitation Partitioning Into Evapotranspiration and Runoff in Land Surface Parameterizations.

24. Usefulness of Soil Moisture and Actual Evapotranspiration Data for Constraining Potential Groundwater Recharge in Semiarid Regions.

25. Quantifying Climate-Related Interactions in Shallow and Deep Storage and Evapotranspiration in a Forested, Seasonally Water-Limited Watershed in the Southeastern United States.

26. Impacts of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration patterns on downscaling soil moisture in regions with large topographic relief.

27. Mapping land water and energy balance relations through conditional sampling of remote sensing estimates of atmospheric forcing and surface states.

28. Evapotranspiration of rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis) cultivated at two plantation sites in Southeast Asia.

29. A soil moisture accounting-procedure with a Richards' equation-based soil texture-dependent parameterization.

30. Improving the surface-ground water interactions in the Community Land Model: Case study in the Blue Nile Basin.

31. A significant nexus: Geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape hydrology.

32. Spatiotemporal relations between water budget components and soil water content in a forested tributary catchment.

33. Multiresponse, multiobjective calibration as a diagnostic tool to compare accuracy and structural limitations of five coupled soil-plant models and CLM3.5.

34. Weighted objective function selector algorithm for parameter estimation of SVAT models with remote sensing data.

35. Improving evapotranspiration estimates in Mediterranean drylands: The role of soil evaporation.

36. Investigating storage-discharge relations in a lowland catchment using hydrograph fitting, recession analysis, and soil moisture data.

38. Groundwater uptake by woody vegetation in a semiarid oak savanna.

39. Evaluation of the Global Land Data Assimilation System using global river discharge data and a source-to-sink routing scheme.

40. Observations and stochastic modeling of soil moisture control on evapotranspiration in a Californian oak savanna.

41. Soil moisture variations and ecosystem-scale fluxes of water and carbon in semiarid grassland and shrubland.

42. Contrasting short- and long-timescale effects of vegetation dynamics on water and carbon fluxes in water-limited ecosystems.

43. Soil moisture controls on canopy-scale water and carbon fluxes in an African savanna.

44. Tight coupling between soil moisture and the surface radiation budget in semiarid environments: Implications for land-atmosphere interactions.

45. Pontacyl brilliant pink as a tracer dye in the movement of water in phreatophytes.