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35 results

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1. A Novel Methodology for the Stochastic Integration of Geophysical and Hydrogeological Data in Geologically Consistent Models.

2. Spectral Analysis of River Resistance and Aquifer Diffusivity in a River‐Confined Aquifer System.

3. Vertical Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers Driven by Episodic Flooding: A Review.

4. Local and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transport Model Simulating Floodplain Redox Cycling.

5. A Numerical Study of Slug Tests in a Three‐Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Aquifer Considering Well Inertial Effects.

6. Understanding process dynamics at aquifer-surface water interfaces: An introduction to the special section on new modeling approaches and novel experimental technologies.

7. Inference of long-term groundwater flow transience using environmental tracers: A theoretical approach.

8. Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads during pumping in unconfined aquifers.

9. Inferring spatial distribution of the radially integrated transmissivity from pumping tests in heterogeneous confined aquifers.

10. Water Level in Observation Wells Simulated From Fracture and Matrix Water Heads Outputted by Dual‐Continuum Hydrogeological Models: POWeR‐FADS.

11. Effects of Unsaturated Flow on Salt Distributions in Tidally Influenced Coastal Unconfined Aquifers.

12. Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall Influence on Aquifer Properties: A New Coupled Earth and Barometric Tidal Response Model in a Confined Bi‐Layer Aquifer.

13. Effects of Geologic Setting on Contaminant Transport in Deltaic Aquifers.

14. From Dynamic Groundwater Level Measurements to Regional Aquifer Parameters— Assessing the Power of Spectral Analysis.

15. Flow Cytometry and Fecal Indicator Bacteria Analyses for Fingerprinting Microbial Pollution in Karst Aquifer Systems.

16. A pattern-search-based inverse method.

17. Analytical Expressions of Radiocarbon Distribution in Transient State Unconfined Aquifers and Their Application to Determination of Past and Present Recharges of North Africa Aquifers.

18. Using Production Well Behavior to Evaluate Risk in the Depleted Cambrian‐Ordovician Sandstone Aquifer System, Midwestern USA.

19. Direct Observation of the Depth of Active Groundwater Circulation in an Alpine Watershed.

20. Comparison of Groundwater Storage Changes From GRACE Satellites With Monitoring and Modeling of Major U.S. Aquifers.

21. Riparian Lowlands in Clay Till Landscapes: Part I—Heterogeneity of Flow Paths and Water Balances.

22. Mountain‐Block Recharge: A Review of Current Understanding.

23. Hydrogeological Model Selection Among Complex Spatial Priors.

24. Earthquake Hydrogeology.

25. Tidal Behavior and Water‐Level Changes in Gravel Aquifers in Response to Multiple Earthquakes: A Case Study From New Zealand.

26. Stochastic simulation of soil particle-size curves in heterogeneous aquifer systems through a Bayes space approach.

27. Aquifer heterogeneity controls on adverse human health effects and the concept of the hazard attenuation factor.

28. Prediction of solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer utilizing hydraulic conductivity and specific storage tomograms.

29. Apparent directional mass-transfer capacity coefficients in three-dimensional anisotropic heterogeneous aquifers under radial convergent transport.

30. Nested sampling algorithm for subsurface flow model selection, uncertainty quantification, and nonlinear calibration.

31. Late-time drainage from a sloping Boussinesq aquifer.

32. Application of ensemble-based data assimilation techniques for aquifer characterization using tracer data at Hanford 300 area.

33. Borehole water level response to barometric pressure as an indicator of aquifer vulnerability.

34. Data-driven approach to identify field-scale biogeochemical transitions using geochemical and geophysical data and hidden Markov models: Development and application at a uranium-contaminated aquifer.