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1. Introduction to special section on Modeling highly heterogeneous aquifers: Lessons learned in the last 30 years from the MADE experiments and others.

2. Direct Breakthrough Curve Prediction From Statistics of Heterogeneous Conductivity Fields.

3. Predicting hydrofacies and hydraulic conductivity from direct-push data using a data-driven relevance vector machine approach: Motivations, algorithms, and application.

4. When Do Complex Transport Dynamics Arise in Natural Groundwater Systems?

5. Inferring spatial distribution of the radially integrated transmissivity from pumping tests in heterogeneous confined aquifers.

6. On the Requirements for Inferring Aquifer‐Scale T and S in Heterogeneous Confined Aquifers.

7. Impact of Matrix Diffusion on Heat Transport Through Heterogeneous Fractured Aquifers.

8. Anisotropy and Heterogeneity Induced by Shale in Aquifer lithology—Influence of Aquifer Shale on the Leaky Model With Tidal Response Analysis.

9. Solute Transport in a Doublet‐Type Flow Configuration Through a Weakly Heterogeneous Porous Formation.

10. Impacts of the Scale of Representation of Heterogeneity on Simulated Salinity and Saltwater Circulation in Coastal Aquifers.

11. Along‐Shore Movement of Groundwater and Its Effects on Seawater‐Groundwater Interactions in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers.

12. Exploring the Model Space of Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Delineate Large‐Scale Structure and Heterogeneity Within an Aquifer System.

13. Preferential Flow Enhances Pumping‐Induced Saltwater Intrusion in Volcanic Aquifers.

14. Stochastic Assessment of Nonpoint Source Contamination: Joint Impact of Aquifer Heterogeneity and Well Characteristics on Management Metrics.

15. Effects of Heterogeneity, Connectivity, and Density Variations on Mixing and Chemical Reactions Under Temporally Fluctuating Flow Conditions and the Formation of Reaction Patterns.

16. Estimating the Spatial Extent of Unsaturated Zones in Heterogeneous River‐Aquifer Systems.

17. Extending Theis' solution: Using transient pumping tests to estimate parameters of aquifer heterogeneity.

18. Aquifer heterogeneity controls on adverse human health effects and the concept of the hazard attenuation factor.

19. Estimating transmissivity from single-well pumping tests in heterogeneous aquifers.

20. A lithofacies approach for modeling non- Fickian solute transport in a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer.

21. Effects of tidal fluctuations and spatial heterogeneity on mixing and spreading in spatially heterogeneous coastal aquifers.

22. Heterogeneity-enhanced gas phase formation in shallow aquifers during leakage of CO2-saturated water from geologic sequestration sites.

23. A new method for analysis of variance of the hydraulic and reactive attributes of aquifers as linked to hierarchical and multiscaled sedimentary architecture.

24. Aquifer heterogeneity characterization with oscillatory pumping: Sensitivity analysis and imaging potential.

25. On the formation of breakthrough curves tailing during convergent flow tracer tests in three-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers.

26. Stochastic relationships for periodic responses in randomly heterogeneous aquifers.

27. A revisit of drawdown behavior during pumping in unconfined aquifers.

28. Modeling aquifer systems with analytic elements and subdomains.

29. Coupling of mass transfer and reactive transport for nonlinear reactions in heterogeneous media.