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1. Comment on "Tu et al., An Analytical Solution of Groundwater Flow in a Confined Aquifer With a Single Well Circulation System, Water Resources Research, First Published: 12 June 2020.".

2. The Method of Images Revisited: Approximate Solutions in Wedge‐Shaped Aquifers of Arbitrary Angle.

3. Salt water interface in a layered coastal aquifer: The only published analytic solution is in error.

4. Local and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transport Model Simulating Floodplain Redox Cycling.

5. Measuring Fracture Flow Changes in a Bedrock Aquifer Due to Open Hole and Pumped Conditions Using Active Distributed Temperature Sensing.

6. Reduction of saltwater intrusion by modifying hydraulic conductivity.

7. A new formulation for steady multiaquifer flow: An analytic element for piecewise constant infiltration.

8. Direct Breakthrough Curve Prediction From Statistics of Heterogeneous Conductivity Fields.

9. Predicting hydrofacies and hydraulic conductivity from direct-push data using a data-driven relevance vector machine approach: Motivations, algorithms, and application.

10. Joint inversion of aquifer test, MRS, and TEM data.

11. Inferring spatial distribution of the radially integrated transmissivity from pumping tests in heterogeneous confined aquifers.

12. Hydro Economic Asymmetries and Common‐Pool Overdraft in Transboundary Aquifers.

13. Effects of Geologic Setting on Contaminant Transport in Deltaic Aquifers.

14. Tectonic Control of Groundwater Recharge and Flow in Faulted Volcanic Aquifers.

15. Quantifying the Impact of Lagged Hydrological Responses on the Effectiveness of Groundwater Conservation.

16. Well‐Type Steady Flow in Strongly Heterogeneous Porous Media: An Experimental Study.

17. Geostatistics of the Borden Aquifer: High‐Resolution Characterization Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements.

18. Impacts of the Scale of Representation of Heterogeneity on Simulated Salinity and Saltwater Circulation in Coastal Aquifers.

19. Along‐Shore Movement of Groundwater and Its Effects on Seawater‐Groundwater Interactions in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers.

20. Multiscale Hydraulic Conductivity Characterization in a Fractured Granitic Aquifer: The Evaluation of Scale Effect.

21. On the Propagation of Reaction Fronts in a Sandy Aquifer Over 20+ Years: Lessons From a Test Site in Northwestern Germany.

22. An Analytical Model With a Generalized Nonlinear Water Transfer Term for the Flow in Dual‐Porosity Media Induced by Constant‐Rate Pumping in a Leaky Fractured Aquifer.

23. Reply to the Comment on "Tu et al., an Analytical Solution of Groundwater Flow in a Confined Aquifer With a Single‐Well Circulation System, Water Resources Research, First Published: 12 June 2020.".

24. A New Approach to Three‐Dimensional Flow in a Pumped Confined Aquifer Connected to a Shallow Stream: Near‐Stream and Far‐From‐Stream Groundwater Extractions.

25. Understanding Ground Rupture Due to Groundwater Overpumping by a Large Lab Experiment and Advanced Numerical Modeling.

26. Direct Observation of the Depth of Active Groundwater Circulation in an Alpine Watershed.

27. Preferential Flow Enhances Pumping‐Induced Saltwater Intrusion in Volcanic Aquifers.

28. An Alternative BEM for Simulating the Flow Behavior of a Leaky Confined Fractured Aquifer With the Use of the Semianalytical Approach.

29. Hyper‐Resolution Continental‐Scale 3‐D Aquifer Parameterization for Groundwater Modeling.

30. Riparian Lowlands in Clay Till Landscapes: Part I—Heterogeneity of Flow Paths and Water Balances.

31. Stable and Radioisotope Systematics Reveal Fossil Water as Fundamental Characteristic of Arid Orogenic‐Scale Groundwater Systems.

32. Combined Effect of Tides and Varying Inland Groundwater Input on Flow and Salinity Distribution in Unconfined Coastal Aquifers.

33. Effects of Tidally Varying Salinity on Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport: Insights From Modelling an Idealized Creek Marsh Aquifer.

34. Mountain‐Block Recharge: A Review of Current Understanding.

35. Interface Flow With Vertically Varying Hydraulic Conductivity.

36. Analytical Solution for Interface Flow to a Sink With an Upconed Saline Water Lens: Strack's Regimes Revisited.

37. A Practical, Robust Methodology for Acquiring New Observation Data Using Computationally Expensive Groundwater Models.

38. Base flow recession from unsaturated-saturated porous media considering lateral unsaturated discharge and aquifer compressibility.

39. Influence of instantaneous and time-averaged groundwater flows induced by waves on the fate of contaminants in a beach aquifer.

40. Effects of the hydraulic conductivity microstructure on macrodispersivity.

41. Joint inversion of hydraulic head and self-potential data associated with harmonic pumping tests.

42. Compositional data analysis as a robust tool to delineate hydrochemical facies within and between gas-bearing aquifers.

43. The effect of loading efficiency on the groundwater response to water level changes in shallow lakes and streams.

44. Effects of alongshore morphology on groundwater flow and solute transport in a nearshore aquifer.

45. Evaluating geothermal and hydrogeologic controls on regional groundwater temperature distribution.

46. Estimating transmissivity from single-well pumping tests in heterogeneous aquifers.

47. Analytical approximations of discharge recessions for steeply sloping aquifers in alpine catchments.

48. A formulation for vertically integrated groundwater flow in a stratified coastal aquifer.

49. Solute transport in aquifers of arbitrary variability: A time-domain random walk formulation.

50. Correlation between groundwater flow and deformation in the fractured carbonate Gran Sasso aquifer (INFN underground laboratories, central Italy).