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46 results

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1. Residential Water Conservation and the Rebound Effect: A Temporal Decomposition and Investigation.

2. Conjunctive Water Management for Agriculture With Groundwater Salinity.

3. Estimating the Economic Value of Interannual Reservoir Storage in Water Resource Systems.

5. Probabilistic Categorical Groundwater Salinity Mapping From Airborne Electromagnetic Data Adjacent to California's Lost Hills and Belridge Oil Fields.

6. Simulating California reservoir operation using the classification and regression-tree algorithm combined with a shuffled cross-validation scheme.

7. Examining spatial and temporal variability in snow water equivalent using a 27 year reanalysis: Kern River watershed, Sierra Nevada.

8. Discharge‐Mediated Temperature Management in a Large, Regulated River, With Implications for Management of Endangered Fish.

9. Prolonged Drought in a Northern California Coastal Region Suppresses Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology.

10. The Intersection of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Threatened and Endangered Species in California, USA Watersheds.

11. Optimizing Managed Aquifer Recharge Locations in California's Central Valley Using an Evolutionary Multi‐Objective Genetic Algorithm Coupled With a Hydrological Simulation Model.

12. Modeling Seasonal Effects of River Flow on Water Temperatures in an Agriculturally Dominated California River.

13. Large Wood in Small Channels: A 20‐Year Study of Budgets and Piece Mobility in Two Redwood Streams.

14. Precipitation Estimates and Orographic Gradients Using Snow, Temperature, and Humidity Measurements From a Wireless‐Sensor Network.

15. Improved Imaging of the Large‐Scale Structure of a Groundwater System With Airborne Electromagnetic Data.

16. Assimilation of NASA's Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Measurements for Improved Hydrological Modeling: A Case Study Enabled by the Coupled LIS/WRF‐Hydro System.

17. Understanding pool-riffle dynamics through continuous morphological simulations.

18. Spatial Patterns and Sensitivity of Intermittent Stream Drying to Climate Variability.

19. Post‐Drought Groundwater Storage Recovery in California's Central Valley.

20. Exploring the Model Space of Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Delineate Large‐Scale Structure and Heterogeneity Within an Aquifer System.

21. Parsing Weather Variability and Wildfire Effects on the Post‐Fire Changes in Daily Stream Flows: A Quantile‐Based Statistical Approach and Its Application.

22. Reconstructing Extreme Precipitation in the Sacramento River Watershed Using Tree‐Ring Based Proxies of Cold‐Season Precipitation.

23. Characterization of Groundwater Recharge and Flow in California's San Joaquin Valley From InSAR‐Observed Surface Deformation.

24. Public Water Waste Reporting: Contextual Correlates and Conservation Outcomes.

25. Assessing the Feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge in California.

26. Identifying Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge Locations to Benefit Drinking Water Supply in Rural Communities.

27. Time‐Varying Sensitivity Analysis Reveals Relationships Between Watershed Climate and Variations in Annual Parameter Importance in Regions With Strong Interannual Variability.

28. Impact of Uncertainty in Precipitation Forcing Data Sets on the Hydrologic Budget of an Integrated Hydrologic Model in Mountainous Terrain.

29. Oak Transpiration Drawn From the Weathered Bedrock Vadose Zone in the Summer Dry Season.

30. Freezing Level Forecast Error Can Consume Reservoir Flood Control Storage: Potentials for Lake Oroville and New Bullards Bar Reservoirs in California.

31. Geologic Controls on Source Water Drive Baseflow Generation and Carbon Geochemistry: Evidence of Nonstationary Baseflow Sources Across Multiple Subwatersheds.

32. Groundwater Storage Loss Associated With Land Subsidence in Western United States Mapped Using Machine Learning.

33. Measuring and Modeling Gravel Transport at Caspar Creek, CA, to Detect Changes in Sediment Supply, Storage, and Transport Efficiency.

34. Canopy and Terrain Interactions Affecting Snowpack Spatial Patterns in the Sierra Nevada of California.

35. Increasing Groundwater Availability and Seasonal Base Flow Through Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge in an Irrigated Basin.

36. Forest thinning impacts on the water balance of Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer headwater basins.

37. Evapotranspiration of urban landscapes in Los Angeles, California at the municipal scale.

38. A copula-based nonstationary frequency analysis for the 2012-2015 drought in California.

39. Optimal residential water conservation strategies considering related energy in California.

40. In bad waters: Water year classification in nonstationary climates.

41. Sensor placement strategies for snow water equivalent (SWE) estimation in the American River basin.

42. Climate signal propagation in southern California aquifers.