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1. Reply to Comment by Jakobi et al. (2020) on "Soil Texture Often Exerts a Stronger Influence Than Precipitation on Mesoscale Soil Moisture Patterns".

2. Hydrological Basis of the Budyko Curve: Data‐Guided Exploration of the Mediating Role of Soil Moisture.

3. Sensitivity‐Based Soil Moisture Assimilation for Improved Streamflow Forecast Using a Novel Forward Sensitivity Method (FSM) Approach.

4. A Remote Sensing Driven Soil Moisture Estimator: Uncertain Downscaling With Geostatistically Based Use of Ancillary Data.

5. Effects of Gravity on Evaporation for Soil‐Limited Conditions.

6. Leveraging Pre‐Storm Soil Moisture Estimates for Enhanced Land Surface Model Calibration in Ungauged Hydrologic Basins.

7. Real‐Time Irrigation Scheduling Based on Weather Forecasts, Field Observations, and Human‐Machine Interactions.

8. Improved Prediction of Hydraulic Conductivity With a Soil Water Retention Curve That Accounts for Both Capillary and Adsorption Forces.

9. Estimation of Global Irrigation Water Use by the Integration of Multiple Satellite Observations.

10. Long‐Term Changes in Runoff Generation Mechanisms for Two Proglacial Areas in the Swiss Alps II: Subsurface Flow.

11. Inroads of remote sensing into hydrologic science during the WRR era.

12. A Method for Objectively Integrating Soil Moisture Satellite Observations and Model Simulations Toward a Blended Drought Index.

13. Comparing Assimilation of Synthetic Soil Moisture Versus C‐Band Backscatter for Hyper‐Resolution Land Surface Modeling.

14. Modeling the Unfrozen Water Content of Frozen Soil Based on the Absorption Effects of Clay Surfaces.

15. LIDA: A Land Integrated Data Assimilation Framework for Mapping Land Surface Heat and Evaporative Fluxes by Assimilating Space‐Borne Soil Moisture and Land Surface Temperature.

16. Thermal, Moisture, and Solute Transport Responses Effects on Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Parameters Estimation.

17. Diagnosing Bias in Modeled Soil Moisture/Runoff Coefficient Correlation Using the SMAP Level 4 Soil Moisture Product.

18. Gap Filling of High‐Resolution Soil Moisture for SMAP/Sentinel‐1: A Two‐Layer Machine Learning‐Based Framework.

19. Simulating C‐Band SAR Footprint‐Scale Backscatter Over Agricultural Area With a Physical Land Surface Model.

20. Capillary Length and Field Capacity in Draining Soil Profiles.

21. Bioclimatic and Soil Moisture Monitoring Across Elevation in a Mountain Watershed: Opportunities for Research and Resource Management.

22. Nonlinear time-series modeling of unconfined groundwater head.

23. Using a bias aware EnKF to account for unresolved structure in an unsaturated zone model.

24. Modeling interannual variability of seasonal evaporation and storage change based on the extended Budyko framework.

25. Toward diagnostic model calibration and evaluation: Approximate Bayesian computation.

26. Controls on topographic dependence and temporal instability in catchment-scale soil moisture patterns.

27. Effects of irrigated agroecosystems: 1. Quantity of soil water and groundwater in the southern High Plains, Texas.

28. Nonlinear storage-discharge relations and catchment streamflow regimes.

29. Ecohydrology of groundwater-dependent ecosystems: 2. Stochastic soil moisture dynamics.

30. Optimum vegetation characteristics, assimilation, and transpiration during a dry season: 2. Model evaluation.

31. Space-time modeling of soil moisture: Stochastic rainfall forcing with heterogeneous vegetation.

32. Temporal dynamics of soil moisture variability: 1. Theoretical basis.

33. An estimation of the main wetting branch of the soil water retention curve based on its main drying branch using the machine learning method.

34. Strengths and weaknesses of temporal stability analysis for monitoring and estimating grid-mean soil moisture in a high-intensity irrigated agricultural landscape.

35. Estimation of evaporation over the upper Blue Nile basin by combining observations from satellites and river flow gauges.

36. Persistence and memory timescales in root-zone soil moisture dynamics.

37. An entropy-based measure of hydrologic complexity and its applications.

38. Under-canopy turbulence and root water uptake of a Tibetan meadow ecosystem modeled by Noah- MP.

39. Soil hydrology: Recent methodological advances, challenges, and perspectives.

40. Global sensitivity analysis of the radiative transfer model.

41. Predicting hydrofacies and hydraulic conductivity from direct-push data using a data-driven relevance vector machine approach: Motivations, algorithms, and application.

42. Simultaneous measurement of unfrozen water content and ice content in frozen soil using gamma ray attenuation and TDR.

43. Spatiotemporal variation of long-term drought propensity through reliability-resilience-vulnerability based Drought Management Index.

44. Hydrometric transit times along transects on a steep hillslope.

45. Water resources of the Black Sea Basin at high spatial and temporal resolution.

46. Soil moisture and soil properties estimation in the Community Land Model with synthetic brightness temperature observations.

47. Calibration and correction procedures for cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture probes located across Australia.

48. Preferential flow as a potential mechanism for fire-induced increase in streamflow.

49. Soil moisture mapping in a semiarid region, based on ASAR/Wide Swath satellite data.

50. Solute and sediment transport at laboratory and field scale: Contributions of J.-Y. Parlange.