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1. Seawater–Groundwater Interaction Governs Trace Metal Zonation in a Coastal Sandy Aquifer.

2. A Novel Methodology for the Stochastic Integration of Geophysical and Hydrogeological Data in Geologically Consistent Models.

3. The Method of Images Revisited: Approximate Solutions in Wedge‐Shaped Aquifers of Arbitrary Angle.

4. Vertical Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers Driven by Episodic Flooding: A Review.

5. Stochastic Analysis of the Drawdown Time of Infiltration Basins in the Presence of Heterogeneous Soils.

6. Local and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transport Model Simulating Floodplain Redox Cycling.

7. A Type‐Curve Approach for Evaluating Aquifer Properties by Interpreting Shallow Strain Measured During Well Tests.

8. A Nonlinear Recession Model for Horizontal Aquifers.

9. Water Level in Observation Wells Simulated From Fracture and Matrix Water Heads Outputted by Dual‐Continuum Hydrogeological Models: POWeR‐FADS.

10. Modeling Water Flow and Solute Transport in Unsaturated Soils Using Physics‐Informed Neural Networks Trained With Geoelectrical Data.

11. Effects of Unsaturated Flow on Salt Distributions in Tidally Influenced Coastal Unconfined Aquifers.

12. Multi‐Year Controls on Groundwater Storage in Seasonally Snow‐Covered Headwater Catchments.

13. Optimizing Managed Aquifer Recharge Locations in California's Central Valley Using an Evolutionary Multi‐Objective Genetic Algorithm Coupled With a Hydrological Simulation Model.

14. On the Requirements for Inferring Aquifer‐Scale T and S in Heterogeneous Confined Aquifers.

15. Distinct Hydrologic Pathways Regulate Perennial Surface Water Dynamics in a Hyperarid Basin.

16. Estimating Aquifer System Storage Loss With Water Levels, Pumping and InSAR Data in the Parowan Valley, Utah.

17. Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall Influence on Aquifer Properties: A New Coupled Earth and Barometric Tidal Response Model in a Confined Bi‐Layer Aquifer.

18. Multi‐Isotope Based Identification and Quantification of Oxygen Consuming Processes in Uranium Hosting Aquifers With CO2 + O2 In Situ Leaching.

19. Impact of Matrix Diffusion on Heat Transport Through Heterogeneous Fractured Aquifers.

20. Anisotropy and Heterogeneity Induced by Shale in Aquifer lithology—Influence of Aquifer Shale on the Leaky Model With Tidal Response Analysis.

21. Statistical Analysis of Aquifer Hydraulic Properties by a Continuous Pumping Tomography Test: Application to the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site.

22. Hydro Economic Asymmetries and Common‐Pool Overdraft in Transboundary Aquifers.

23. Backward Particle Tracking of Anomalous Transport in Multi‐Dimensional Aquifers.

24. Integration of Deep Learning and Information Theory for Designing Monitoring Networks in Heterogeneous Aquifer Systems.

25. Effects of Geologic Setting on Contaminant Transport in Deltaic Aquifers.

26. Decoupled Finite Particle Method With Normalized Kernel (DFPM‐NK): A Computationally Efficient Method for Simulating Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media.

27. Solute Transport in a Doublet‐Type Flow Configuration Through a Weakly Heterogeneous Porous Formation.

28. Effect of Flow‐Direction‐Dependent Dispersivity on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers.

29. Tectonic Control of Groundwater Recharge and Flow in Faulted Volcanic Aquifers.

30. Quantifying the Impact of Lagged Hydrological Responses on the Effectiveness of Groundwater Conservation.

31. From Dynamic Groundwater Level Measurements to Regional Aquifer Parameters— Assessing the Power of Spectral Analysis.

32. Detection of Tracer Plumes Using Full‐Waveform Inversion of Time‐Lapse Ground Penetrating Radar Data: A Numerical Study in a High‐Resolution Aquifer Model.

33. Leakage From Coexisting Geologic Forcing and Injection‐Induced Pressurization: A Semi‐Analytical Solution for Multilayered Aquifers With Multiple Wells.

34. Well‐Type Steady Flow in Strongly Heterogeneous Porous Media: An Experimental Study.

35. Flow Cytometry and Fecal Indicator Bacteria Analyses for Fingerprinting Microbial Pollution in Karst Aquifer Systems.

36. Enhanced NAPL Removal and Mixing With Engineered Injection and Extraction.

37. Spatial Variability of Radon Production Rates in an Alluvial Aquifer Affects Travel Time Estimates of Groundwater Originating From a Losing Stream.

38. A Semi‐Analytical Solution for Slug Test by Considering Near‐Well Formation Damage and Nonlinear Flow.

39. Geostatistics of the Borden Aquifer: High‐Resolution Characterization Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements.

40. The Role of Mixed Convection and Hydrodynamic Dispersion During CO2 Dissolution in Saline Aquifers: A Numerical Study.

41. Macrodispersion and Recovery of Solutes and Heat in Heterogeneous Aquifers.

42. An Adaptive Hybrid Vertical Equilibrium/Full‐Dimensional Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow.

43. Impacts of the Scale of Representation of Heterogeneity on Simulated Salinity and Saltwater Circulation in Coastal Aquifers.

44. Estimation of Specific Yield for Regional Groundwater Models: Pitfalls, Ramifications, and a Promising Path Forward.

45. Along‐Shore Movement of Groundwater and Its Effects on Seawater‐Groundwater Interactions in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers.

46. Analytical Expressions of Radiocarbon Distribution in Transient State Unconfined Aquifers and Their Application to Determination of Past and Present Recharges of North Africa Aquifers.

47. Are Deep Aquifers Really Confined? Insights From Deep Groundwater Tidal Responses in the North China Platform.

48. Bayesian Poroelastic Aquifer Characterization From InSAR Surface Deformation Data. 2. Quantifying the Uncertainty.

49. Exploring the Model Space of Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Delineate Large‐Scale Structure and Heterogeneity Within an Aquifer System.

50. Multiscale Hydraulic Conductivity Characterization in a Fractured Granitic Aquifer: The Evaluation of Scale Effect.