
Showing total 20 results
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1. Synchronization and Delay Between Circulation Patterns and High Streamflow Events in Germany.

2. Hierarchical Bayesian clustering for nonstationary flood frequency analysis: Application to trends of annual maximum flow in Germany.

3. Time Series of Electrical Conductivity Fluctuations Give Insights Into Long‐Term Solute Transport Dynamics of an Urban Stream.

4. Data‐Driven Estimation of Groundwater Level Time‐Series at Unmonitored Sites Using Comparative Regional Analysis.

5. Paleo‐Hydrogeological Modeling to Understand Present‐Day Groundwater Salinities in a Low‐Lying Coastal Groundwater System (Northwestern Germany).

6. From Dynamic Groundwater Level Measurements to Regional Aquifer Parameters— Assessing the Power of Spectral Analysis.

7. Characterizing Catchment‐Scale Nitrogen Legacies and Constraining Their Uncertainties.

8. Debris‐Flood Hazard Assessments in Steep Streams.

9. Critical Zone Response Times and Water Age Relationships Under Variable Catchment Wetness States: Insights Using a Tracer‐Aided Ecohydrological Model.

10. Reliability Assessment of Machine Learning Models in Hydrological Predictions Through Metamorphic Testing.

11. On the Propagation of Reaction Fronts in a Sandy Aquifer Over 20+ Years: Lessons From a Test Site in Northwestern Germany.

12. Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Nitrate Concentration in a Forest Stream Affected by Large‐Scale Forest Dieback.

13. Physiographic and Climatic Controls on Regional Groundwater Dynamics.

14. A Process‐Based Framework to Characterize and Classify Runoff Events: The Event Typology of Germany.

15. A Comparison of Factors Driving Flood Losses in Households Affected by Different Flood Types.

16. Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Modeling Spatiotemporal Variability in Flood Damage Processes.

17. Spatial Organization of Human Population and Wastewater Treatment Plants in Urbanized River Basins.

18. Hyporheic Passive Flux Meters Reveal Inverse Vertical Zonation and High Seasonality of Nitrogen Processing in an Anthropogenically Modified Stream (Holtemme, Germany).

19. FINIFLUX: An implicit finite element model for quantification of groundwater fluxes and hyporheic exchange in streams and rivers using radon.

20. How Important is Denitrification in Riparian Zones? Combining End‐Member Mixing and Isotope Modeling to Quantify Nitrate Removal from Riparian Groundwater.