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1. CHAPTER LXXI: White Favours.

2. CHAPTER XXXI: The Bear and the Leader.

3. CHAPTER LVI: Ariadne.

4. CHAPTER LXXXIV: In which Harry submits to the Common Lot.

5. CHAPTER XCI: Satis Pugnae.

6. CHAPTER XCII: Under Vine and Fig-Tree.

7. CHAPTER LXXXV: Inveni Portum.


9. CHAPTER LXXXI: Res Angusta Domi.

10. CHAPTER LXXIX: Containing both Comedy and Tragedy.

11. CHAPTER LXXVI: Informs us how Mr. Warrington jumped into a Landau.

12. CHAPTER LXXVII: And how everybody got out again.

13. CHAPTER LXXVIII: Pyramus and Thisbe.

14. CHAPTER LXXV: The Course of True Love.

15. CHAPTER LIV: During which Harry sits smoking his Pipe at Home.

16. CHAPTER LXXIV: News from Canada.

17. CHAPTER LXXII: (From the Warrington MS.) In which My Lady is on the Top of the Ladder.

18. CHAPTER LXX: In which Cupid plays a Considerable Part.

19. CHAPTER LXIX: A Little Innocent.

20. CHAPTER LXVII: In which a Tragedy is acted, and two more are begun.

21. CHAPTER LXVIII: In which Harry goes westward.

22. CHAPTER LXVI: In which we go a-courting.

23. CHAPTER LXIV: In which Harry lives to fight another Day.

24. CHAPTER LXV: Soldier's Return.

25. CHAPTER LXI: In which the Prince marches up the Hill and down again.

26. CHAPTER LIX: In which we are treated to a Play.

27. CHAPTER LV: Between Brothers.

28. CHAPTER XLVIII: An Apparition.

29. CHAPTER XLV: In which Harry finds two Uncles.

30. CHAPTER XLVII: Visitors in Trouble.

31. CHAPTER XLVI: Chains and Slavery.

32. CHAPTER XLIV: Contains what might, perhaps, have been expected.

33. CHAPTER XLIII: In which Harry flies High.

34. CHAPTER XLI: Rake's Progress.

35. CHAPTER XLII: Fortunatus Nimium.

36. CHAPTER XL: In which Harry pays off an Old Debt, and incurs some New Ones.

37. CHAPTER XXXVIII: Sampson and the Philistines.

38. CHAPTER XXXIX: Harry to the Rescue.

39. CHAPTER XXXV: Entanglements.

40. CHAPTER XXXVI: Which seems to mean Mischief.

41. CHAPTER XXXIV: In which Mr. Warrington treats the Company with Tea and a Ball.

42. CHAPTER XXXII: In which a Family Coach is ordered.

43. CHAPTER XXVI: In which we are at a very Great Distance from Oakhurst.

44. CHAPTER XXVII: Plenus Opus Aleae.