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1. Convergence to Equilibrium in Dynamic Traffic Networks when Route Cost Is Decay Monotone.

2. A Two-Stage Hybrid Local Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

3. A Branch-and-Cut Procedure for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.

4. Layout Design of Parking Lots with Mathematical Programming.

5. A New Distance Function for Modeling Travel Distances in a Transportation Network.

6. Multicommodity vs. Single-Commodity Routing.

7. A Decomposition Approach for the Inventory-Routing Problem.

8. The Dynamic Assignment Problem.

9. A Combined Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Model Split, and Trip Assignment Model.

10. Network Design and Transportation Planning: Models and Algorithms.

11. Solving Real-Life Locomotive-Scheduling Problems.

12. A Heuristic Search Approach for a Nonstationary Stochastic Shortest Path Problem with Terminal Cost.

13. An Exact Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls.

14. Linearly-Constrained Entropy Maximization Problem with Quadratic Cost and Its Applications to Transportation Planning Problems.

15. Single-Vehicle Routing and Scheduling to Minimize the Number of Delays.

16. A Network-Based Primal-Dual Heuristic for the Solution of Mulitcommodity Network Flow Problems.

17. An Algorithm for Determining whether m Given Demand Points Are on a Hemisphere or Not.

18. Tactical Scheduling of Rail Operations: The SCAN I System.

19. Network Optimization with Continuous Control Parameters.

20. Unconstrained Extremal Formulation of Some Transportation Equilibrium Problems.

21. A Maximum Entropy Combined Distribution and Assignment Model Solved by Benders Decomposition.

22. The Maximum Availability Location Problem.

23. Conditional Location Problems on Networks.

24. Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem with Deadlines.

25. Shipping Multiple Items by Capacitated Vehicles: An Optimal Dynamic Programming Approach.

26. A Bilevel Model for Toll Optimization on a Multicommodity Transportation Network.

27. A Bilevel Model and Solution Algorithm for a Freight Tariff-Setting Problem.

28. A Randomized Linear Programming Method for Computing Network Bid Prices.

29. A Mathematical Programming Approach for the Solution of the Railway Yield Management Problem.

30. A Dynamic Programming Solution to the Single Vehicle Many-to-Many Immediate Request Dial-a-Ride Problem.