Lazarova, E., Scott, Y., van den Bos, A., Wantzin, P., Atugonza, R., Solkar, S., and Carpio, N.
SUMMARY Background Implementation of fully automated analysers has become a crucial security step in the blood bank; it reduces human errors, allows standardisation and improves turnaround time ( TAT). Objectives We aimed at evaluating the ease of use and the efficiency of the ORTHO VISION® Analyser ( VISION) in comparison to the ORTHO AutoVue® Innova System ( AutoVue) in six different laboratories. Methods After initial training and system configuration, VISION was used in parallel to AutoVue following the daily workload, both automates being based on ORTHO BioVue® System column agglutination technology. Each participating laboratory provided data and scored the training, system configuration, quality control, maintenance and system efficiency. A total of 1049 individual samples were run: 266 forward and reverse grouping and antibody screens with 10 urgent samples, 473 ABD forward grouping and antibody screens with 22 urgent samples, 160 ABD forward grouping, 42 antibody screens and a series of 108 specific case profiles. Results The VISION instrument was more rapid than the AutoVue with a mean performing test time of 27·9 min compared to 36 min; for various test type comparisons, the TAT data obtained from VISION was shorter than that from AutoVue. Moreover, VISION analysed urgent STAT samples faster. Regarding the ease of use, VISION was intuitive and user friendly. Conclusions VISION is a robust, reproducible system performing the most types of analytical determinations needed for pre-transfusion testing today, thus accommodating a wide range of clinical needs. VISION brings appreciated new features that could further secure blood transfusions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]