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1. On symmetric linear diffusions

2. On embedding certain partial orders into the P-points under Rudin-Keisler and Tukey reducibility

3. Transverse LS category for Riemannian foliations

4. Scattering for the 𝐿² supercritical point NLS

5. An explicit Pólya-Vinogradov inequality via Partial Gaussian sums

6. Entrance laws at the origin of self-similar Markov processes in high dimensions

7. A flow method for the dual Orlicz–Minkowski problem

8. Dirichlet forms and critical exponents on fractals

9. Punctured spheres in complex hyperbolic surfaces and bielliptic ball quotient compactifications

10. Inner functions and zero sets for ℓ^{𝑝}_{𝐴}

11. On the Fourier transform of Bessel functions over complex numbers—II: The general case

12. On the exterior Dirichlet problem for special Lagrangian equations

13. Approximation using scattered shifts of a multivariate function

14. Modified scattering and beating effect for coupled Schrödinger systems on product spaces with small initial data

15. Contractive inequalities for Bergman spaces and multiplicative Hankel forms

16. Maximal function characterizations for new local Hardy-type spaces on spaces of homogeneous type

17. Modified scattering for the quadratic nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation in two dimensions

18. Minimal surfaces in minimally convex domains

19. Transformation properties for Dyson’s rank function

20. Uniform resolvent and Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations with critical singularities

21. The degenerate Eisenstein series attached to the Heisenberg parabolic subgroups of quasi-split forms of 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑛₈

22. On the growth of Lebesgue constants for convex polyhedra

23. On the spectral norm of Gaussian random matrices

24. Dynamics of infinitely generated nicely expanding rational semigroups and the inducing method

25. Boundary Harnack inequality for the linearized Monge-Ampère equations and applications

26. Entropy formula for random ℤ^{𝕜}-actions

27. Quantitative Darboux theorems in contact geometry

28. From resolvent estimates to unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation

29. Amenability and covariant injectivity of locally compact quantum groups

30. Reflected spectrally negative stable processes and their governing equations

31. Automorphisms of corona algebras, and group cohomology

32. Robust Hamiltonicity of Dirac graphs

33. Principal Lyapunov exponents and principal Floquet spaces of positive random dynamical systems. I. General theory

34. Topological pressure via saddle points

35. A Koszul duality for props

36. Inequalities for finite group permutation modules

37. Contractive projections and operator spaces