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1. On period relations for automorphic 𝐿-functions I

2. Wave front sets of reductive Lie group representations II

3. Gromov hyperbolicity, the Kobayashi metric, and $\mathbb {C}$-convex sets

4. Tame circle actions

5. Isoperimetric properties of the mean curvature flow

6. Transverse LS category for Riemannian foliations

7. On pro-2 identities of 2×2 linear groups

8. Scattering for the 𝐿² supercritical point NLS

9. A geometric formula for multiplicities of 𝐾-types of tempered representations

10. Asymptotic gcd and divisible sequences for entire functions

11. Asymptotic expansions of the Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev invariants of mapping tori I

12. Potentially 𝐺𝐿₂-type Galois representations associated to noncongruence modular forms

13. Rigidity of marginally outer trapped (hyper)surfaces with negative 𝜎-constant

14. On Calabi’s extremal metric and properness

15. Vector-valued modular forms on a three-dimensional ball

16. Admissible sequences of positive operators

17. Relative Manin–Mumford in additive extensions

18. Rectifiability of the singular set of multiple-valued energy minimizing harmonic maps

19. Generalizing the MVW involution, and the contragredient

20. Quantitative stratification for some free-boundary problems

21. Bounding Harish-Chandra series

22. Undecidability of equations in free Lie algebras

23. Difference of modular functions and their CM value factorization

24. Solving \overline{∂} with prescribed support on Hartogs triangles in ℂ² and ℂℙ²

25. A restricted Magnus property for profinite surface groups

26. Contractive inequalities for Bergman spaces and multiplicative Hankel forms

27. Tensor product of cyclic 𝐴_{∞}-algebras and their Kontsevich classes

28. Maximal function characterizations for new local Hardy-type spaces on spaces of homogeneous type

29. A gap theorem for the complex geometry of convex domains

30. Transformation properties for Dyson’s rank function

31. Exotic elliptic algebras

32. Relative Morita equivalence of Cuntz–Krieger algebras and flow equivalence of topological Markov shifts

33. The degenerate Eisenstein series attached to the Heisenberg parabolic subgroups of quasi-split forms of 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑛₈

34. 𝔸¹-equivalence of zero cycles on surfaces

35. Detecting geometric splittings in finitely presented groups

36. On the irreducibility of global descents for even unitary groups and its applications

37. On existence of generic cusp forms on semisimple algebraic groups

38. Local geometry of the 𝑘-curve graph

39. Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci solitons

40. A special Cayley octad

41. Projective varieties with nonbirational linear projections and applications

42. Heegner points on modular curves

43. Cohomological invariants of algebraic stacks

44. Marked-length-spectral rigidity for flat metrics

45. Extended de Finetti theorems for boolean independence and monotone independence

46. Corrigendum to 'Notes on interpolation in the generalized Schur class. II. Nudel’man’s problem'

47. Totally geodesic spectra of arithmetic hyperbolic spaces

48. Strictly convex central configurations of the planar five-body problem

49. Dry Ten Martini problem for the non-self-dual extended Harper’s model

50. Modular perverse sheaves on flag varieties III: Positivity conditions